An Important Point - Well Made.

Jul 31, 2009 14:20

Bill Maher, on his show "Real Time", in interviews he has had, and on The Huffington Post, has made an excellent point which I have had trouble putting into words for years - and yet he managed it, succinctly, very quickly.

Not everything has to make a profit.

A quote from the aired version on Real Time:

"...Now I know what you're thinking, "But Bill, the profit motive is what sustains capitalism!" Yes, and our sex drive is what sustains the human species, but we don't try to fuck everything. It's OK for some things to remain non-profit just like when it comes to sexual relations, some people are off limits. Like your cousin, or your sister, or if you're a leading Republican, your wife."
Here's the link to then Huffington Post essay. Please read, it makes a very, very valid point - one to which our right-leaning friends could put into practice. It's real short and Bill's a funny guy.

Yes, it's skewed towards America, but we basically mirror what's going on there socially. And republicans are by no means the world's only right-leaning peoples

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