Hopefully everyone had fun in the previous month of voting for those various titles and requested matchups. Now it's down to business, and it is up to you voters in the community to determine who should advance further in the Tournament and who will have to wait for the next Fracas. Once again, please consider the following when casting your votes:
- Appearance. This goes well beyond which fursuit is cuter or sexier than the other. Was it well-constructed? Can you see the performer inside? Is there a unique physical attribute associated with the fursuit? Does it look good or out-of-place?
- Individuality. With so many fursuits becoming more and more visible and widespread, it gets harder and harder to stand out from the crowd! Does this fursuit stand out? Is he or she unique? Can you forget the character's name, but everyone knows who you are talking about anyway? Or better yet, are you unable to forget the character's name?
- Performance and Character. There are many wonderful fursuits out there that just get lost in the crowd because the performer has the personality of a pet rock. There are some fursuits that aren't eye-catching in photos but just jump to life when active and moving. Consider the pose of the picture, some of the action in the alternate pictures, or the activities in the video submissions, and think about the effort the wearer takes to bring the character of the fursuit to life.
As a reminder, all polls will have radio-button questions, meaning you may not choose more than one fursuit in the match-up. The only exceptions will be check-box questions for any three-way (or four-way) face-offs generated by ties in the previous round.
All right, here are the first 13 matchups to kick off the Elimination Bracket. Good luck to all, and have fun everyone!
Play-in Match
Dumarsi Du La Quay
Owned by Dumarsi
Made by Volkzwolf (aka Volk Wolf)
Pandora Wolf
Owned by Tabbystorm
Made by
Kilcodo's Costumes
Owned by Grave the Wolf
Made by Twinky Arts, Matrices, Que's Costumes
[2] AltPics:
Coony Raccoon
Owned by Coony Raccoon
Made by Defiant Fox/Janko
(red panda)
Owned by Kyu
Made by Kyu
Gino DaHusky
Owned by Gino DaHusky (Mark Green)
Made by
Sunny Valley Creations AltPics:
Xepher Sicarius
Owned by Xepher Sicarius
Made by
Fursuiting.com [AltPic]
Starrik Kyrubui
(Space Dawg)
Owned by Starrik Kyrubui
Made by
Sunny Valley Creations [Video]
(nubian goat)
Owned by Cabro
Made by
Made Fur You AltPics:
(Sugar Glider)
Owned by Zippiner
Made by StuffedPandaStudios
Owned by Amberyn77
Made by Eris Valgen / Fur It Up
Owned by Crescent
Made by Crescent & Glitch
[Video] AltPics:
Owned by MusicOfLuie
Made by MoreFurLess (head), furandfeathersfursuits (Partial: Wings (Hands), Tail and Feet), headsandtailsstudios (body)
Owned by Tonka Wolf
Made by
Mixed Candy AltPics:
[2] Videos:
(Shetland Sheepdog)
Owned by Coutzy
Made by
Mischief Makers AltPics:
Owned by Wolf-Bold
Made by Firestorm Six
(Snow leopard/ cheetah)
Owned by Cayne
Made by
FruitSuit Creations [AltPics]
(German Shepherd)
Owned by Chib
Made by
Sunny Valley Creations AltPics:
[1], [2]
Rocket Raccoon
Owned by Luno Vulpes
Made by Luno Vulpes
Mac Rat
Owned by Haunted-Rat-Studios
Made by Haunted-Rat-Studios
(Hybrid: Wolf + Tiger)
Owned by JCsFluffyTail
Made by
Owned by DresdenComplex
Made by
(Grey Fox)
Owned by ImaginarySkye
Made by Defiant Tail Waggers Anonymous
Owned by Kyan0
Made by KishoWolf
Evander Angel Tiger
(Angel / Tiger)
Owned by Evander Angel
Made by SparkyCanDo
Beau Lunawolf
Owned by BeauWolfHusky
Made by
Made Fur You
Poll FFFF 2014 ROH1 In order to vote in this poll, you must be a member of the voting community and logged in to your account. If you are not yet a member, please visit the appropriate link for instructions on how to register to vote:
via LiveJournal (preferred),
via Twitter,
via Facebook. Remember to validate your email address and include a website link to your furry homepage. Please note that polls don't last long, with this one ending at 11:59am PDT (UTC-8) on Friday September 26th, and the community maintainers may not be able to get around to approving your request in time for you to vote, so register early.
To recieve e-mail updates from LiveJournal when this community is updated,
click somewhere around here, check "Someone posts a new entry to fursuittourney", then Save. You can also follow @
FFFFTourney on Twitter for other updates, or look for hash tag #FFFF2014.
Your upcoming matchups for Wednesday September 24th will be:
Torq vs. She Wolf
Tremelo vs. Zuki
Yuchi Coyote vs. Azeriak Gosu
Clutch vs. Ryo
Rindle Grey vs. Sunrise Gryphon
Salt vs. Maximus Ursus
Kijani vs. Scruffy the Fox
Shayla Mare vs. Gixxer
Doctor Fox vs. CoolSilver
Forsy vs. Koda
Trouble Shep vs. Sparkle Alex
Hazrat vs. Snowball
Sakurafox vs. Momo Mouse