Hey all, long time lurker first time poster!
The past few days I've been working on my first fursuit head - I originally bought a cheap partial on furbid with the intention of tidying it up a little but when it got here.. well, it needed refurring, refoaming, remeshing... so yay! had to remake the head from scratch. Naturally, I decided to do a different character with it rather than what I bought ^^
The character concept sheet can be seen
I haven't finished foaming yet, I've made 90% of the pieces just waiting for some critique before I stick them down properly. In the pictures they're held in place using duct tape.
The nose isn't getting stuck down now, don't worry! Her horn has not been made yet but I do have an idea of how to do it - I made a
mini prototype out of foam to test the method I had planned and intend to cover this in a few thin layers of liquid latex. The horn will be placed just above the muzzle strip - I'm contemplating making the strip thinner and a bit shorter to compensate for this. She'll also be getting eyebrow ridges. Her ears are still being completed as I'm not fully pleased with them yet.
Any thoughts?
(crossposted to