Hello there, gremlins! I'm going to be working on a Storm King cosplay suit for next year's Bronycon, and I have a few questions that I could use some advice for!
First of all, the boy's got a barrel chest and a skinny waist. How do ya'll recommend I bulk up the front of my chest without makin' it look like he has knockers? Obviously, it'll be foam padding but exactly how, construction wise, eludes me. Doubled with the fact that medium-long pile fur will most likely be covering it.
Observe his Bulke Secondly, he's got SOME sort of fur-drape-not-hair-thing going on that tends to be lowlighted in grey. Behind that crown, there's a widow's peak that I'll have to sew into the facial fleece, so I'm not super sure how to do that or if it would be worth it.
Reference for your pleasure Finally, the legs. Do you guys recommend thin digi legs? Thick ones? And while we're on the topic, how do you recommend I go about doing my duct tape dummy AROUND the leg padding? If I draft the pattern myself I will fail miserably and I need a base to go off of.