Just as the subject says, looking for some puppy dog redlines and critique!
Long Post + Many Images ahead
This is Elliot, the pirate puppy!
And this is his head.
This is my second attempt at a fursuit head (with the first being from around 2015-2014), and I think I've improved alot! I'm not quite satasfied with his mouth view from the side but theres not much I can do to fix it to my knowledge. That white strip on the back is fleece to reinforce the back seam. If his snout looks a little stubby, it's because I noticed that golden retriever puppies do tend to have shorter snouts.
Speaking of snouts, his mouth is open quite wide as I really wanted to push the sort of excited little puppy personality he has. How can I hide my human mouth in this? I was thinking either a normal black balaclava or if that wouldnt work, a screen type thing of black lycra. Any one know a solution to this?
His nose will be ladder stitched on after I fur him so it's only tacked on at the moment.
His paws are pretty basic toony/puffy paws tbh. I used SparkyCanDo's paw tutorial and will be adding both applique vinyl paw pads and claws(both the same fabric as his nose)
His feet paws I'm not entirely happy with. As you can see, one of them dips in more than the other but no matter what I try I cant seem to get them even and symmetrical. But I feel like it wont be noticeable after I put the long fur on them. I only put the tube thing on one of them since I'll be removing it before furring. I'm only using it to get the basic pattern for the ankle part of the foot paw. His feet will also feature indoor paws and small claws like his hands.
This is how his head and handpaws look on!
I have a couple more questions. I'm planning on making arm sleeves and leggings to go with his partial. I know basically how to make them but how much would they generally need in fur? Theyre both the solid tan color on his ref, so no markings needed! I am experienced with sewing so I don't think I'll need much margin for error.
Also, how much does fabric does a fursuit sized bandana take, as his blue one is kind of a necessary accessory.
Thanks in advance for any help/critique and special thanks to Matrices, SparkyCanDo, and Kloofsuits for their tutorials!!