Warning for those buying from ImStuffedFur

Aug 12, 2015 17:39

Just a heads up, the Ivory Fox fur on imstuffedfur is no longer the nice "luxury fox" style it used to be. I received my order yesterday and they have switched to MM Fox. I compared it to my old scraps and it's the identical fur.

I've contacted Beverly about the problem and she says I should have asked about the change in supplier (which it mentions on the site), and, well, maybe I should have. But the description of Ivory Fox still states:
"This is a beautiful, ivory fox fur that is absolutely gorgeous!!
The pile length is approx. two inches (perhaps a little longer) and the fur is soft, dense, and luscious!
This is NOT a thin, dry craft fur, it is a high fashion fur that no picture can do justice."
and I am concerned that someone else could easily see that description and make the same mistake I did. In my opinion, MM fox is definitely on the thin-and-dry side as furs go these days. I have asked her to change that description, but I'm also letting you know here, in case anyone was about to buy that hoping for something nicer.

In related news, I have a yard of MM Fox I don't need, haha. I'm re-selling it here:

furs, warnings

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