Jan 11, 2009 19:02
I've not been a really talkative person online lately, and I really need to apologize to my friends for that. A couple of you I've told I've been going through a rough time with my parents. There's something going on between the two, and it's really stressing me out, and I like not to think about it most of the time.. I tend to drown out everything else by immersing myself into my games (mostly WoW), since I tend to not think much when I am playing..
To make matters worse, my mom's in the hospital right now dealing with some nasty things. It doesn't mix well when my dad goes off on his late night voyages to who the hell knows where.
I was hoping to finally have less stress with not having to worry with school this semester too, but I'm not that lucky. As far as I know, we're supposed to be finding a new placeto live, cause the current house owner wants to sell.
Too much going on!~
So, to my friends whom I've been neglecting, I'm really sorry.. It's easier for me to block out everything by just playing my games.
I did have a good stress release yesterday though. A friend's Bday was today, so him and 11 other (myself included), went off and ate dinner at Red Robins (first time for a few of us!). The food was amazing, and our waitress was spectacular. It was a great time hanging out with a group of friends, and it was totally something I needed. Aftre leaving there, we went to Barnes and Nobles for another good laugh all over the place while looking around. I ended up buying a ton of stuff >.> Gamestop employees get 30% off in Barnes and Nobles! Pretty awesome.
Lastly, we rolled home about.. midnight, but we went to one of my best friends GF's place.. Uuuhh... 7 of us did anyway. We spent the night watching Family Guy x3 One guy left, so the rest of us piled up in the living room and fell asleep there. It's the first time I've relaly ever slept between two girls o_O; ANYWAY, we ended up dozing off around 3-4, with me a giggling mess going on about how I needed to not sleep. Woke up around 11, went to the store and got some food with my pal (in our pajamas; sometihng I NEVER do), then went back and made breakfast. That was followed by more Family Guy and a game of Monopoly.
All in all, the past 24 hours has been a blast, and it was so needed for me..
Last but not least, I'm lonely D: I don't like being home alone.