Oct 09, 2005 23:03
10 Favorites...
Favorite Color: Purple or Gold
Favorite Food: depends on my mood...usually just about anything
Favorite Band/Singer: couldn't tell you.
Favorite Song: The Ascent of Stan by Ben Folds
Favorite Movie: a long list would go here
Favorite Sport: whatever happens to be in season
Favorite Season: when its hot and sunny out
Favorite Day Of the Week: Thursday - Saturday
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Peach milkshakes from cold stone(not a flavor but its what i get)
Favorite Time of Day: Showtime
9 Currents...
Current Taste: Mt. Dew
Current Clothes: socks, shoes, underwear, shorts, ecu shirt
Current Desktop: Me kissing the Keg
Current Toenail Color: i dont usually paint them
Current Time: 11:08 in the PM
Current Surroundings: walls, floors, and a ceiling
Current Annoyance(s): well the Yankee's just won and i didnt like that.
Current Thought: Test tomorrow that i'm sort of studying for.
8 Firsts...
First Best Friend: Adam Perkins....who was diabetic and could not eat at Perkins resturant.
First Kiss: Still Waiting
First Screen Name: skiffrider(still around)
First Pet: a cat that some fucking coyote killed
First Piercing: the Prince Albert
First Crush: I really couldn't tell you.
First Music You Remember Hearing: Boys II Men
First Car: Pontiac(ask me what Pontiac stands for) Bonneville
7 Lasts...
Last Cigarette: dont remeber..but i used to smoke them often
Last Drink: Mt. dew...the beer...the soda at dinner...then beer
Last Car Ride: Shotgun position, kelly's car, way home from chili's.
Last Kiss: Look at the 'First Kiss' answer
Last Movie Seen: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
Last Phone Call: Joshua Adam Hostetter
Last CD Played: Guster "lost and gone forever"
6 Have You Ever....
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: this question makes me sad for not having dates or best friends :(
Have You Ever Broken the Law: Plenty of times
Have You Ever Been Arrested: I have been to jail before(but it was with the cub scouts)
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: yes, yes, and if you consider taking a bath or shower skinny dipping the i do it twice a day.
Have You Ever Been on TV: yeah...but mostly ESPN
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: Not that i remember...but if i did i feel alot cooler now.
5 Things....
5 Things You're Wearing: watch, pirate nation wrist band, and 3 random articles of clothing
5 Things You've Done Today: eat, sleep, drive, sit, watch sports.
5 Things You Can Hear Right Now: tv, typing, AIM sounds, Air conditioning, my chair squeaking
5 Things You Can't Live Without: Maslow has a very nifty hierarchy of needs theory that you should look up
5 Things You Do When You're Bored: computer, tv, video games, sit and watch traffic on my porch, eat.
4 Places You've Been: Spain, Greece, Mexico, Aruba
3 People You Can Tell Anything To: I can't give you 1 so there's no point in trying to name 3.
2 Choices...
1. Black or White: according to Michael Jackson it doenst matter if you're black or white
2. Hot or Cold: Not cold
1 Thing You Want to Do Before you die: Have my name in the history books