Jan 13, 2005 06:38

Well most important thing of the day is that my travel plans have changed post Horizon. Vietnam and Cambodia have been swapped for New Zealand. (As long as Mr C doesn't change his mind!) And as you can guess, I'm VERY excited. Yeah, I know I've been there twice before but I can't wait to go back. The thought of Vietnam and Cambodia was very appealing but when I really started thinking about it, after 3.5 months here, did I really want to have to face the challenges of rural living again? And the stinky city life? NO!!!!

I want a relaxing chilled out but adventurous holiday with no bugs that I can't name and no risk of rabies or malaria or dengue fever! I know this sounds like this holiday is all about me..but I knew that Mr C always wanted to go there....and i have convinced him I'm happy to say. I think he is excited too! The thought of driving and eating pizza or a simple cheese and tomato sandwich is making me ready to go now! But of course job is not done here yet! I've been here nearly 6 weeks already. That's half my time gone. I think the next 6 will zoom by. I'm on a fundraising mission. None of you will be safe! I'm looking for a small donation from all of you - 5 quid a month for 12 months....only 60quid for the year. My plan is to raise a small jackpot that will keep Horizon running for a year. Well that's the plan! Keep your eyes peeled for further information!

Oh, by the way, I have now been webbed. If you go to and look up the will see me!! Also, if you look up you can find out all about the foundation! God I'm doing some serious advertising here aren't i. I've got big plans - I just got to figure a way of seeing them through. I almost finished the application for the Tech Awards today. I'm most pleased with my efforts considering it was my first application for an award such as this. I'm also very excited. Imagine if we win, or even come in the top 10 or even get the smallest recognition. It would be worth it. And what's best, is that I did it. I know that sounds quite selfish because I am working in a team, but what i mean is it will be my first real achievement. I was thinking about this last night. I know I graduated in Mech Eng but never did anything with it. And I have never really been an expert at one thing. But I realised that even though I didn't have a "specialised" field, what I have learnt in the last 10 years has been invaluable. My computer skills are great, my knowledge of the English language is pretty impressive (that's from crosswords and reading), I know quite alot about writing proposals, my secretarial skills are awesome (I can do landscape and portrait all in one document), I know enough about Accounting to know what the accountants want and I can organise like the queen bee! All those skills being a simple Back Office Manager. I spent hours if not days in London dreaming and scheming so many things but I never did them. THis is the first opportunity I have had to visual my ideas. Poor HorizonLanka! It's great having no holds barred! For the first time in ages I actually feel like I have something to offer someone and I'm not one of a million people that can do the same thing. It makes me feel very positive about me!

And while I'm on a positive note, it's the greatest compliment that you are all taking time out to read my drivel. Loads of you have said such cool things about it. Someone even thinks i should publish it. Girls, do you think Dr. Vance ever would have thought me to be a writer!!!! It could be bestseller, an inspiration for others to down tools and do something good. OK I know I'm getting a little carried away. BUt I can out here. I've got time to dream and make those dreams come true. Do I sound like I'm preaching - I'm sorry dont' mean to be. Think I'm premenstrual and on a high for a change not a low!

Anyways about my day. Nothing thrilling to tell. Working on proposals but also have started doing some stuff for a guy in Bahrain. He's been in touch with Horizon since last year and he too is impressed with the work undertaken here. But he saw the tremendous need for Horizon to have some organisation...not just Wanni doing everything. So he's trying to work out the budget for 2005. So I'm now doing numbers. Wanni admits that though he knows there is money coming in - he's never sure of who it's coming from and how much! So I spent most of the day badgering him for information. He asked me politely "Who's gonna tell you all this if I die?" My response was "The reason you are telling me now is that if you die, people can just ask me!" Never make yourself indispensible!!! I don't think Wanni minds passing me all this crappy stuff. I really don't think he's interested in that side. And no offence to Wanni, he may be a brilliant teacher and has created an awesome organisation....but he really isn't a very good business man! (Sorry Wanni) He's never really worked in business, well not for a long period of time, so there are some skills that he just wouldn't know. I'm not saying that I have them but atleast I have an idea about them. Example,I was asking him about all the donors today. He doesn't have a written list or a spreadsheet with their names and contacts details. They are all in his head. Now these people are important and he's right, if he drops dead tomorrow, no one will have a bloody clue about anything! Apparently, they haven't paid an electricity bill in a while either. So HorizonLanka is awaiting one almight red bill any day! It's these little things that can bring a company to its knees. I'm like dog with a bone/boner at the moment!! Grabbing on to it or them with great gusto!

Ramanee has been skivving work for 2 days now. She said today that she feels bad that she has been neglecting me and not bringing me my afternoon cuppa. She thinks she will snap out of it soon. I hope so. It's making me feel a little uncomfortable. The tension in the house between the family is severe. You can cut through it with a knife as they say! Sometimes, I just want to slap her and tell her to grow up and to stop moping around like a teenager with spots. But I can't. Like I've said a million times before It's another world here and you've gotta live by their rules.

Well happy thoughts all. Time to go search the web for interesting places to see in NZ!
Big kiss
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