I sent both mum and Uncle J up to the grandhumans-in-law today...
Uncle J has been werking on his sailing canoe with grandad-in-law and will update his blog tomorrow (
It's a poignant day for them because eggs-actly a year ago, grandma-in-law was lying in her hop-sit-al bed with an uncertain future.... It was very much on their minds today and a difficult time to look back on so mum took The Furrymob Rockers to meet and entertain them.
Grandad-in-law has a willing helper kitted out with goggles and dust-mask:
Mum wasn't let loose on the canoe (I bunder why..??) so provided the hentertainment instead:
So, with the burrow completely to myself and free of all distractions, I've at last been able to prepare my SantaBun visit requests and complete my Chris-Moose card which I'll be sending very soon.