My Friends Only Lair

Sep 15, 2025 03:19

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30 day drawing challenge: superheroes cobie June 26 2011, 08:00:36 UTC
hey there,

i assume you're the owner of the jackalsart blog over on tumblr. i'm the guy who has put together the 30 day drawing challenge: superheroes project and i just wanted to let you know (if you didn't know already) that there is a community tumblr of sorts dedicated to the challenge.

you can find this blog at:

while i encourage you to follow it from your personal tumblr, i strongly urge you to share your pieces by submitting them to the tumblog. you can do that by going here (a handy dandy link to submit a post can be found in the sidebar of the tumblog):

got any questions about the community or the challenge itself? check out the faq:

normally, i would contact you via tumblr but your blog doesn't have the Ask function enabled. also, your lj has messaging disabled presumably for folks who aren't your Friends. feel free to delete this comment.

here's hoping you join us over there.

have a good one!

- cobie / cobiegoesboom


Re: 30 day drawing challenge: superheroes furryjackal June 26 2011, 08:23:20 UTC
Yep, same one. I do know about the blog, though I mostly was doing the challenge for my own personal challenge and wasn't really wanting to share it to Tumblr widely. I was mostly trying to send the posts from Tumblr to here and that didn't work. (So I've just been uploading them directly to my LJ.)

My stuff's so specific with the fandoms I was kind of 'eh' on sharing it more widely to the blog, since so many of my characters don't fit that 'heroic genre' look. I was kind of shy to submit it there. (Also I am WAY slow on the challenge. :p )


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