Not really sure what to think right now......

May 20, 2008 09:17

I've had quite the unique prom experience/weekend after prom. Prom was pretty fantastic. After school friday, me and Janet had Shawn pick us up and take us to Petsmart, to get milk replacement for the baby bunny(RIP). Then we went to CVS and I bought wax and a curling iron. We went to my house and got all dressed up for prom, then Janet got picked up and I met up with everyone at Lizzy/Jake's house. We Rode in an RV to Angie's, took pictures, then rolled up to prom in said RV. We felt pretty keen!! The food at prom was really bad, except the dessert, which was PRIME! I danced with Wilo and Charlie and TJ and Jake and basically everyone and it was awesome, even though the music wasn't all that good. And now to life after prom.

Ever since prom, I've been hanging out with TJ a ton. Today is the first day that I won't be hanging out with him for at least a little bit. At the after prom party we hung out pretty much the whole time. At one point we fell asleep together in the movie room....I kind of think he kissed me, but I was so tired at that point, I don't know if it actually happened or if I imagined it. Kinda weird. But anyway, after the after prom party, me and Larissa went home to my house because she was staying for the weekend, and we passed out pretty much the second we got home. Larissa woke up at 11 and went shopping with my mom, and I slept till 3. Then we went to the mall and I bought a bunch of stuff, then we met up with TJ for a bit. When my mom picked us up and we got home, we decided to walk to 7-11 and we told TJ to meet us there. We got food and went to the Cole center, where I laughed so hard I pee'd my pants, like, hardcore. That was insanely embarrassing. But apparently, TJ still thinks I'm adorable.....his words, not mine. We met up on sunday, and monday he came to the school during lunch so I saw him then too. So comes to my current dilema. It's pretty obvious that he's interested, and I would be too, but I don't know much about him, and what I do know, isn't exactly what you would call impressive. Even though he seems to be a nice guy, he also seems to be on bad terms with a lot of my friends. Another thing that makes me kind of reluctant, is that things with Mike are just starting to get better, and even though I know that's not the first time I've said that, and I know I've been wrong before, something about this time, although I can't put my finger on it, makes me feel like it would be a bad idea to get involved with somebody else, and that I should focus on Michael. But even though I have that feeling, I still have a feeling that it's a bad idea to burn bridges to make way for something that has failed so many times before. Feel free to give advice. I need it.
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