Sep 21, 2007 14:17
As opposed to the normal whiny shizmobile that this journal normally ends up as, I'll attempt to shun tradition and actually ignore the histrionics and give an accurate representation of what I'm actually up to! Seems a bit of a lie to say I've had a crappy last few weeks, as from the postings, it seems like my crap-o-meter is permanently stuck on the red! But feeling a little less emo now, and a little more focussed on the tangible things as opposed to the crap in my head. A crap in my head post will undoubtably follow when I feel rubbbish again!
First off, well, we'll leave the Leadmill out of it. Suffice to say, with no pay rise looming and shittiness reaching unprecedented heights, expect an annnouncement at some point soon. This, however, leads me to a conundrum as to what happens after that, as my job hunting previous to this, was (although somewhat sporadic) ridiculously unsuccessful. Over qualified and underexperienced, hurrah! That's the thing The Plan(TM) didn't take into account, that I'm a total total pussy!
On the quest for a better job, I've now started my courses, 2 hours of Accounts and Bookkeeping (that's a really weird word to write, oo-kk-ee! Tee hee!) on a Monday evening, and 2 hours of Keyboarding Skills and Text Processing on a Thursday. I'm reallly enjoying the Accounts course. Aside from anything, I undersatnd it, and I actually feel like I'm learning something useful! Plus the exam is at Christmas, so hopefully by optimum job hunting time, I'll have a shiny qualification that says I can do basic accounts! Whoo! \on the downside, I had my first Keyboarding lesson yesterday, and I was really disappointed. I'm not exactly sure what I expected really, when I enrolled the woman said there was a heavy basis on learning good keyboarding skills, but I didn't expect to pay £135 to be sat down in front of a computer with a "Learn to Keyboard" book and get told to "work straight through it"! Hopefully we'll get a bit more information next week, I think that's what's left me feeling so deflated as I have no idea what I'm working towards; whether I'm going to be spending the next year typing "dad has had a jaffa; a lass falls as lads dash;" at increasing speeds, or whether there is actuallly a course structure, as I was led to believe from the website I'd be learning the joys of "official business documentation" and other incredibly difficult processes such as "opening, saving and editing documents" *wipes bum with degree certificate*. I mean, I don't exactly MIND having 2 hours of time soley dedicated to practicing learning to type properly (I know having the qualification will be immensely helpful in getting a job, and it's nice not being able to just go, "oooh, I'll just check Facebook for 5 mins", and "I'lll just see how my Sims are getting on".) And it does get me somewhere that isn't home or the Leadmill! Just wish I knew when the exams are, and what they're on. Will have to ask the conveynor next week.
In other news, if the non-shitty mood continues, I will hopefully be dragging myself and Hilda to a Kapap session at some point in the next few weeks. I'm a freak with nerves, and not feeling comfortable walking to work from the bus stop is really beginning to get to me. It was the reason I originally toook up Hanmudo, after all. Not sure what it's going to be like, am nervous as hell, but feeling a bit safer in realistically safe situations has got to be worth it. Plus if Hilda goes, it'll be like having a gym buddy, so it wont be as easy to chicken out!
In yet more news, the car is STILL broken. One of the reasons it'll probably take a few weeks to start Kapap is because it's down Abbydale / London Road way, and I'd have to drive there. Howevver, I now haven't driven since we got back from Lancaster, and I'm scared the Oxo-turd he put in my radiator will have a) leaked out, b) become useless, or c) formed a solid wall in my radiator which will cause it to explode as soon as it pressurises. Need to take it to a garage, and have a couple of recommendations, but rent's going out in 34 days and I'm not sure if I'll have enough to cover it, without shelling out £100+ on getting a new radiator fitted. Feel bad, my anthropomorphising may be ridiculous, but I can sense Henry feels as crap as I do not being able to go out for a spin.
Think that's me just about done for now. In desperate need of going out, as Monday Cat 'n' Corp never happened due to stuff that came up. I'm now going to spend my day off in the city, visiting the job centre, and possibly making a doctors appointment to try and find out what the fuck is wrong with my belly. If they say I have food intolerances I am probably going to throw them through a wall. Without meat, pasta, potatoes and dunkie buscuits, my life is incomplete.
PS: I apologise for typos. I wrote that half in touch type and half in nice, normal typing. And aside from anything, this keyboard is weird. :-p
Laterz all!