I have such a great time last night, my neighborhood was full of ghosts and super heroes, no Dean or Sam :( maybe next year.
Lamington made Me a beautiful video!!! all about Dean :D Thank you Kaz :-*
Click to view
My H took Me out for diner, the food was great!!we comeback home to finished 2 botle of wines :D <-- see the smile! well... I have a GREAT TIME...a really "GREAT TIME" ;)
And from my friends online I got tons of e cards and presents :D
x5vale did a pic spam of Jensen/Dean!!
Here ..Thank you Val! :-*
ficwriter1966 wrote a me a fic!! you can read it
Here ..Thanks you Carol :-*
Oooh from the girls of
JRAUnlimited and
GumbootMafia got me pressies and good wishes too :D
xayian aka Ria, made a couple of walls! Thank you babe :-*
Thank you everybody for all the kind words and wishes :-*