done with dissapointments

Mar 20, 2006 13:23

I'm so fucking tired of getting excited for something only to have it fall to shit a few days later. I'm just exhausted from it. I got all excited about going to florida with Mat, spent so much time scrounging money for it, convinced my parents it would be a smart idea for me to go for inspirational purposes, and then he went and got a better job which wouldn't allow him to make the trip. Great. Just great. Well, I guess I'll just stay in CT this weekend...and of course, hey, I'll spend the money I saved up on weed and booze, because I don't need it for the trip now! Worst money management ever.

But I still haven't found a job. Which is amazing. I love this not doing anything whatsoever with my life phase. Rock on.

That's not entirely true. I have written a little, and I almost beat Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction. Video games and writing. Awesome.

Off to a job interview at Dairy Queen. My life is so amazing.

At least I've settled down into my goal which is to save money and go back to SCSU in the fall, and look better at my audition.
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