
Apr 19, 2007 14:10

I know it's been a long time since a lot of you have heard from me. Things have been rather crazy and busy is all. But I'm good and so is elijah and pelty. I wanted to announce that this will be my last entry under this livejournal name. Over time I've found more and more that furrious just wasn't fitting me and it was time for a change. I know a lot of people know I've changed to a wolf. There are many reasons behind this. Ask if you really wanna know. But it boils down to that I've made a lot of positive changes in my life lately, and believe I am stronger because of it. I'm not that scared subby insecure little fox anymore and I think its all for the best.

My new journal name is tagwolf
It says its bad but its really not. weird

I hope to keep you all up to date. Thanks!
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