Silver, the newest addition to my pokemon family <3 (and collection update)

Mar 12, 2013 23:57

Originally posted by furrettails at Silver, the newest addition to my pokemon family <3 (and collection update)

yep yep im behind. Meant to make a great revealing video #3 but my mom got him out of the box before I got home D: I might buy a box to put him in just so I can do a great revealing #3 later on though :'D Im also behind on a collection room update video, things are still getting moved around and I have a few things coming in so i'll just upload some picture that were taken in early feb.

Silver, Apocoplse and Papa, All obtained within two months, still on the lookout for adding suicune (now i have to complete the trio XD) and mighty grail t-tar (because i want one to name godzilla and because i want to complete my ttar collection! and he's just awesome in general :'D) <3
****as always still looking for the kuta kuta sentret beanie and the sentret friends plush box.*****
(also apologizes for the giant =FurretTails= on the photos, had an issue with some people taking the photos and claiming they were theirs with some older pictures of mine so hoping to detour that with my username being plastered on them .__.)

*pictures were taken really late at night so 'cuse the pj's and my tiredness look lol XD so here's me with the giants, yay size referencing (im about 5"2 if it helps)

ugh so happy to have him with the pikachu on him!
I also received my first pokemon cel in the mail! does anyone know what pichu brothers episode this is from? :O I bought it because I thought it was from the one with Furret in it but now im thinking there must have been a different episode? either way its still pretty darn cute!

here's the back, kind of scary >~>;

New Shelving order for my furret plush, I finally got a hold of the NY furret with both tags so I moved them around to make space ;3; sadly I think it might have been getting shill bid since both of the ones they had seemed to have some early bidders with no feedback and they both ended up at the same exact price ~A~; anyone know anything about shill bidding that I could talk to? I doubt ebay would do much about it, not like I would get a partial refund or anything but if anyone would know so I can try to see if that may have been that case?

also rearranged my ttar and furret line collections! (ttars use to be on the top shelf, sentret/furret figures use to be where the ttars are now.)

waiting on a few ttar figures to come in the mail <3 sorry you can't see the clearfile on the left D:

rest of the room collections updates not in any particular order! (pictures are a little dated since the current rearrangements)

Hope you enjoyed my update <3 ill try to get on my videos soon for the room update and GR#3 <3

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