Apr 15, 2012 18:41

well first things first here are my newest gets:
Dragonite Pokedoll, *and non pokemon related a Mokona Genga <3*

and my cow/bull collection now has a new member: the camerupt kid! <3 haha this is what happens when you live in a farming state: you collect farm animal pokemon XD

some other collections that have grown quite a bit: Stamps!

Kabuki Werewolfs: new soap figure and kid *actually i got those quite some time ago just never posted about them XP

Dark Weasels! new sneasel kid.

Water Weasels! <3 i finally got my floatzel plush you guys ;3; <3 some of you know that i had been looking for one for a while with pretty much no luck at all! :C

pikachus!!! *tho i forgot about a few figures and a peace squaky toy plush but oh well :o new pikachu coin purse *in front of my happy :D pichu, from my host family in spain <3

my spiders <3 new tomy keychain <3

and now what you all know as my main collection ............FURRETS!!!  so here are the newest items: some new furret magnets

Sentret Pez Dispenser *so adorable i couldn't stop admiring it when it came in its so round and adorable ;O; <3 thank you shroomy! <3

new purple base for my furret zukan <3 i want a furret zukan with every color of a different base <3 btw does anyone have any pegs that they would let me have for my no pegged zukan :C

another furret plush for my furret plush army! >:3 now i have one with tags, without tags for display and my no tags, OC, and travel buddy: Keita <3

now to see the other parts of my furret collection:

gahh i love that postcard! <3

and the sentret plush i made:

my prized furret settei <3 isnt it adorable! <3 still trying to find a sentret, linoone and whiscash one though :C

also my zigzagoon settei *which did not want to show up in pictures :C

my whole collection! *and linoone/ziggy collection <3*

now onto business :B my friend got me this togepi plush but since im not a collector of togepi, i do not know what plush it is. i want to say i think it is the play by play but can anyone confirm this? here she is next to my corphish pokedoll for size reference:

TCG's and Stickers *new cards and stickers!*

Regular Sales: *edited to be cleaner!*

NonPokemon: *many new things here!*
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