Aug 13, 2006 22:00
Ouch I ache. I spent most of saturday with the Cublets kayaking, swimming and falling in the lake. Basicly getting wet LOL. Much fun was had and I was all smelly when I got home, I smelt like pond. So had a shower and laid on the bed for a nap, at about 7ish I woke up and crawled down stairs to be greeted by many lads and Robb for their planned drinking session. As in true Wath style a pint was handed my way and a friendly Yarrrggghhh! in unision. This drinking malarkey lasted till about 3.30am and even included a trip to the local cematary in the rain. By the way slight side note here, I am total afriad of walking over graves and refused to sit on Frank (a 1920's huge grave with a marble base)but every one else had no problem. Does any one else have this fear/respect for the dead? Any ways crawled out of bed at 11! this morning with big head ache LOL