I'm thinking it would be good to figure out the shower/bathroom use schedule for weekday mornings. I'd like to leave for work (if driving) by at least 7:50 to get to work by 8:00. I like to give myself 20-30 minutes' bathroom use in the morning.
pepperkat, you say you need to get to work by 8:30, and I know you'd need to leave at 8:00 so you have some breathing room in the drive. I'd also like you to have 30 minutes in the bathroom.
So what I propose is that I be out of the bathroom by 8:15 on weekday mornings. Please let me know what you think.
I could also work it so that I take a shower before bed. I know
joelzero needs to take his after work because of the pesticides he's exposed to all day.
airor, please chime in with your shower/bathroom needs on weekdays.