transmundanity; part I: concision and the process of making shit up as i go along except not really

Oct 16, 2012 21:33

So I am going to attempt to simplify and objectively list, in short summation, the things in which I have been studying/doing lately. Leaving out the job hunting, bouts of classical depression, and working on my fiction... keep in mind my chosen icon is the personification of my FEELINGS on all I've studied/learned over the course of 2012.

Now... this entry is more for myself, and for any people on my f-list who give a fuck about the philosophic, esoteric, anti-dogmatic which involves the occult because it's [basically been proven to me as of this point that it is] a misnomer terminology for the study of what is "known to be TRUE"; the study of symbolism, the universal language, which is upheld by the Mysteries AKA in short le secret societies. Masonic. Shit like that. So without further ado.

As of 2012 I have read, or am reading, or have purchased with intent to read:
• Fringe-ology; Steve Volk
• Psychology & the Occult; C.G. Jung
• The Secret Teachings of All Ages; Manly P. Hall
• The Encyclopedia of Demons • Demonology; Rosemary Ellen Guilley
• Psychology & the East; C.G. Jung
• Instant Magick; Christopher Penczak
• Practical Sigil Magick; Frater U.D. **chaos magick

I'd like to complete this list by the end of 2012. 2013 will mark a purposeful year of study on these topics:

° Philosophy (All 6 headings in general: METAPHYSICS (crystals • stones, meditation, chakra/qi, lucid dreaming, astral realms/projection, past lives...) LOGIC, EPISTEMOLOGY, ETHICS, PSYCHOLOGY, AESTHETICS; Socrates, Platonism (• amnemnesis) • Neo-Platoism, Aristotle, ALL THE C.G JUNG, Relativism, Transcendentalism...)

° General world mythology, lore, and cosmology

° The history and study of the occult, witchcraft, magick, demonology, angelology, dragons, faeries, gods and goddesses, paganism (will probably start with Celtic?), EVERYTHING...

° Psychical and empathic studies such as Tarot and palm reading, mentalist shit, practical and basic spell workings, chaos magic and Discordianism

° Mathematics and geometry (In depth, I need to re-learn. It now applies to my life why didn't I pay attention in school gdi!)

° Fringe sciences and conspiracy studies (the field, "new energy", aliens, NWO, time, etc)

By the end of 2013, I hope to at least have a basic and recitable knowledge of these topics. It might seem like a high hurdle, but this is my current (and ever-growing) non-fiction BOOK LIST--and it seems plausible in the spanse of a year.

On top of this ocean of knowledge I will surely drown within; to put it simply, I found my purpose in life earlier this year, and have hence been slowly smoothing out the cracks and basics. I want to be a sponsored researcher, on the topics listed above--a privately sponsored researcher--or I want to fund myself.

I don't feel any less stressed or overwhelmed after writing all this... because I know, and this is a problem of mine, that it is in a scope I simply can't fill with words or lists. I'm just going to do as much as I can as quickly as I can, or die trying. Either way would be fine with me.

On a lighter note, I turn 21 this year. Yay?

۞ philosophy & semantics, ✡ magic & witchery, ✡ psychic is as psychic does, ✲ not goals | upcoming reality, ✪ world domination, ≈ list of life, ۞ discussion, → fuck this shit, ۞ religion | law of attraction, !2012 archive, ✡ the supernatural, ☁ the strange the weird the odd

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