I need something to give me energy. I've been lethargic lately. But it's so fucking hot outside. Complainnnnning.
I haven't really wanted anything for awhile now, not only because I couldn't afford it, but also because I haven't really needed anything lately... I still don't need anything per se, but I'd really like to get my hands on a nice, unique pentacle necklace and a new deck of tarot cards. I do need a box to keep my ~magic~ stuff in, and I found the perfect one at Ross for $20. Going back tomorrow to get it. :3 And finally, I need a small moleskine-like notebook. Jes has a Mead alternative from Staples I think I'll go for.
My hair's been looking pretty good lately. Since it was so unevenly layered, some parts are taking forever to grow out. Mostly the top layer of my hair, so it makes it hard to swoop my hair to the side. My ultimate goal is to be able to wear a side braid that will stay over my shoulder. I've really come to like that look for some reason.
Kinda like this. Those are extensions. xD
It's gotten a lot longer though. :3
Random, Vivi and Vashi ♥
Hmmmmm ~ researching random things lately, but not getting into them so intensively. I have a lot of ideas and things to write on my mind, but I've been so tired I don't have the energy to write them down. So I need to remedy that somehow, and quickly.
Lately I feel like my parents are the first thing I need to "defeat" and that I'm close to achieving this... by realizing it doesn't matter what they think or want, and it doesn't matter how they did or didn't treat me when I was under their care. I can't blame them for everything, and honestly it's a waste of effort.
Short update is short. Ciao ~