Please forgive us.

Oct 10, 2005 10:17

It's been quite a while since our last news update. Why? Because we were all busy little Furnace Review staffers all summer. (More on that to come, but trust me, we were all over the place!) Between our summer fun and travels, we were working hard to make one of the finest issues of The Furnace Review ever, our ONE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY ISSUE!

It's hard to believe we've been around for an entire year. To sound cliched about it, time flies when you're having fun. Or when you're up to your nose in submissions. Go check out all the great new stuff, including three short stories, and poems galore.

Watch this journal for more fun info, including how you can help keep TFR up and running, and how to wear us on your sleeve, hoodie, coffee mug, mousepad, journal, etc.

everyone at TFR
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