The Apartment Above the Groovy Tunes, Jono's Room, Early Friday Morning

May 23, 2014 17:52

It had been one hell of a struggle for Jono to get to sleep last night. For a start, he wasn't the only one in his room, not since Raven was there making certain he didn't do something he would regret, worrying over his extremely aggressive state of mind. For another, his bedsheets were too bloody hot, his room let in too much light (most of which was from his own face, admittedly), his cat wanted to be fed before bedtime... little thing after little thing, all piling up and leaving him wanting to burn the damn place down.

This morning was decidedly different. Joni had jumped up onto him at entirely too early for sane persons to be awake, and rather than throw her off the bed (or out the window, as he'd been tempted to do yesterday), he sat up and scooped the cat into his lap. Because sometimes you just had to give your kitty a cuddle. Yesterday he'd been feeling like hell. Today he was feeling very much the opposite.

Did Joni want to get free? Not until she had some tummy tickles first!

[OOC: For that person what is in the room this morning!]

places: above the groovy tunes, people: raven, topic: care bears!

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