Dream posting---rather long

Jan 13, 2011 01:23

I've been dreaming rather vividly and with some pretty strongly recurring themes lately. It's not too surprising that Gary Numan should show up in there since I'm obviously a fan and got to meet him recently, but the consistency of stuff here is making me think there is some message I am not getting since it's unusual for me to have such frequent recurrences otherwise.

Anyway, there've been three in the last week, not identical because I never have identically the same dream but more similar than usual.

So, we're in this sort of street fair or market, kind of like a Middle Eastern souk with a bit of a Mad Max flavor, which occupies the space where the neighborhood where I grew up once was (basically all of my dreams in general BTW, with very few exceptions, have a postapocalyptic setting). I'm aware that it's considered a kind of improvement over the devastation in which it has grown up, but is still a very dangerous place and apparently has a great many rules of etiquette that must be followed to survive, and so I am instructing Gary in all of this. Though I'm aware of him as being alive, he appears to be in a ghostly grey, insubstantial form.
We move on to what is purportedly the ruins of my childhood home, though it looks to have been a multi-story building( I never lived in a place that had more than one floor) with chrome walls that appear smoothly rounded at the top as though partly melted by whatever catastrophe struck, and of course much of the structure has been replaced with canvas hung over boards and rubble piles. My dad still seems to be living there but doesn't appear interested in interacting with us and seems to wish we'd just hurry up and get on with what we're doing( IRL my dad is a maddeningly clingy control freak so this is odd), which appears to be packing up my old stuff so we can move in together. The first thing of note I find is the badly damaged remains of an illustrated volume of fairy tales, too much ruined to be worth saving, which saddens me but I then reflect that it was not a true antique but only made to look like one so I might still be able to get another copy. Then I come upon the music-box which was my last gift from my grandmother who died when I was a child and is probably the single most sentimentally meaningful possession I own, but it is in pieces and the white horse (it is in the shape of a mini-carousel) has been repainted in black enamel. Again this is upsetting, but I realize then that it has been carefully disassembled rather than broken and can thus be repaired though I will have to accept the new color.
At this point we hear an interruption of some kind---it seems like this is some kind of known danger but I am never really clear on what exactly it is, but I wind up hiding in some kind of alcove with Numan's daughter who has been hitherto un-noticed( he's actually got three of them IRL, this would be the oldest who is about the same age as I was when I lost my grandma), while the two men try to persuade whoever is there looking for us that there is nothing of interest and to go away. I give her a piece of chewing gum because it's the only thing I can think of that might interest a child and she gives me a very confused look which makes me wonder if perhaps she's not normally allowed to have it. I also take a piece myself and note that it's rather stale and crunchy but consider that should be expected.
So eventually Gary comes back and we resume packing. At some point I notice that he has at least physically become the D&D character I made that was inspired by him, so I start teaching him how to use those powers as well---"Hey! You've got magic now! No, really! At least, I'm pretty sure that's what this means...Maybe you'd better practice over here on this where it won't matter first,"...

I think I will have to put the other two dreams in a separate post as they all seem incredibly detailed( and different enough to be interesting, at least to me---in one I'm painting a mermaid mural and in another we are legally obliged to get a dog in order to combine households. There's also an interlude that seems like a separate dream involving my friend Donna) and this is taking a lot longer than I thought to write, but the recurrent theme appears to be 1. I'm moving in with Gary Numan, and 2. There is a really heavy emphasis on childhood and family.

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