Title: LARP...a lot Words: 14k Rating: PG-13 Summary: They LARP. College AU. Crack. Disc: these people own themselves, and also I don't know much about LARPing. A/N: creepy-secret sends me text fic and I try to repay her. master fic post
Re: you igual con BAMFcreepy_secretOctober 31 2010, 19:35:38 UTC
swell icon, m'lady! why must twilighted.net have such a conspicuous and eye catching format? WHY?!? ruins potential for a well-deserved moment of fic reading in starbucks.
Re: you igual con BAMFfurloughdayOctober 31 2010, 19:38:40 UTC
I know what you meannnn. Maybe you should go reading things on ff.net (kekkekekeke) Hey, I'm feeling as if I should finish part 2 of this fic for you. It is missing about 5 lines.
Comments 4
"I belong to no kingdom," Lancelot was examining a bouquet of wild flowers at a booth.
"Oh, I didn't know you could do that," Merlin said. "Huh."
"You can't," Lancelot said.
BAMF, Merlin thought appreciatively. Lancelot continued:
why must twilighted.net have such a conspicuous and eye catching format?
ruins potential for a well-deserved moment of fic reading in starbucks.
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