(no subject)

Apr 28, 2006 03:00

DeathAttack6: dude
so long Rocket: quiet down
so long Rocket: ill write you up for whatever i damn well please
DeathAttack6: what?
DeathAttack6: shutup
so long Rocket: oh sorry man
DeathAttack6: ok
DeathAttack6: so anyways
DeathAttack6: i just leanred, that in 15th-17 century england
DeathAttack6: there used to be guys that walked around on the street with a bucket and a blanket
DeathAttack6: and for one penny, you could take a crap in their bucket, while the cover you with the blanket
so long Rocket: what the gay??
DeathAttack6: yeah dude
DeathAttack6: talk about a shitty job
DeathAttack6: yeah
DeathAttack6: i found it alittle ridiculous
so long Rocket: as did i
so long Rocket: im sor freaking tired!
DeathAttack6: the same dudes would sometimes be hired to sclean out the public sespools
DeathAttack6: yeah me too
so long Rocket: theyy suck dude
DeathAttack6: hahaha
DeathAttack6: but i guess they made an ass load of money
DeathAttack6: or rather
DeathAttack6: a shitload
DeathAttack6: harharharharhar
so long Rocket: thats punny
DeathAttack6: hahahaha
DeathAttack6: good one
DeathAttack6: +5 pts.
so long Rocket: thanks
so long Rocket: you get +9 pys for your wit and clever puns
so long Rocket: pts*
DeathAttack6: ...
DeathAttack6: -1 pts. for the type
DeathAttack6: typo
DeathAttack6: shit!!
DeathAttack6: ok
DeathAttack6: enough of this nonsense
so long Rocket: HAHAHAHA!
DeathAttack6: i'm off to bed
so long Rocket: -7 points for trying to be an asshole and failing miserably
DeathAttack6: hahaha
DeathAttack6: touche
DeathAttack6: night dude
so long Rocket: i think we are even
so long Rocket: night
DeathAttack6: by the way
DeathAttack6: this is going on livejournal
DeathAttack6: i've been laughing so effing hard
so long Rocket: yes sweet!!!
so long Rocket: i havent been in anyones lj ....ever i think
DeathAttack6: well, "todays been a day of firsts"
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