
Jun 01, 2004 17:17

Maybe you'll never be together forever, But always remeber how happy you two were.
Maybe someones passed on, but remeber their in a better place.
Maybe your sicker than you thought, its just another obstacle to jump over, have fun doing it.
Maybe no one calls, thats all the more reason to get out there and meet new people.
Life may be hard but you can't lie you've had fun liveing it.
One day we'll all pass away but today isn't it.
Live life to the fullest even if that means getting in SOME trouble.
Get over him even if it means hanging out with all the hotties from school.
Stop yelling even if it means cutting out your voice box, you need that air to scream for that hottie at the concert that your ex might be at.
Remeber no matter how much you piss him off you'll always be
His first
His first really good kiss
His first prom date
His first to call him 50 times in a row
His first kiss in his car
His first to skip school with
His first to go to the mall with more than 2 times in one day
His first to help him shop for cooler clothes
His first to buy clothes for and return them in less then 20 minutes
His first to yell at him
His first to make love to him
His first to make love to him ANYWHERE
His first to sing him a song while he didn't feel good
His first to care enough to tell him someones useing him
His first to miss him in less than 1 hour
His first long term relationship
His first REAL girlfriend
His first to talk him into joining a club he didn't want to be in
I love him much but I think Im finally done crying and back to having fun. He may never call again but he'll think about you more times in one day then he thought about himself. There is nothing to get rid of what I know he feel about me. Im not the greatest but one day he'll miss me again.
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