.wow... i suck... but i heart you.

Oct 26, 2003 22:08

y'know how much i suck?! i haven't updated in the illest long time and i have neglected everybody's comments because of that. BUT HERE IS WHY YOU SHOULD CRY FOR ME:
ok, so i come home, my cell fone's in my back pocket and i had to pee reeeeallie badly... so i run to the bathroom and before my pant's even got down i hear *PLOP*... and then *BEEEEEP* and because i don't have electronic poo, that sound could've only been one thing... my precious cell fone. so i screamed out in intense fury and then stuck my hand into the toilet in an attempt to save my celly but twas to no avail. i had had such a bad day preceeding that, and it was like the last effin' straw so i sobbed like crazy after that and went across the street to the store, with tears in my eyes and ate an entire pint of chocolate Haagen Daz, which is the only way to alleviate any pain at all. (lost a limb? have some Haagen Daz!) oh... and Naima's straight... REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD CRY FOR MEEE! oh last night Paige and i chilly cold chilled in soho then we went to Moleman's and watched porn and i fell in love with Nerrin, who is better than anyone. i also bought the IMA Robot cd at tower... good times, seriously.

ok i still have chem to do and am riding the crimson tide so i think i need some aleve and some ice cream, but i love you even though i treat you like crap and i'm sure you've all friend cut me but .muah.

P.S.: call me... anyone PLEEEEZ and leave prank messages on my answering machine. (718) 783-2375... yes i'm divulging my number... cuz i like to live on the edge.
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