Title: The Verge of Tomorrow - Chapter 10 - Past
The Verge of TomorrowAuthor:
furiosityFandom: Project K
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Possible PTSD/anxiety trigger; see beginning note
Characters: Munakata Reisi, Suoh Mikoto, Awashima Seri, Kushina Anna
Pairing: Munakata/Suoh
Disclaimer: GoRA owns. I only play. You do not sue.
Length: 4100 words (this part)
Summary: Reisi remembers a funny little cartoon frog, Suoh wants breakfast, the doctor is in, SCEPTER4 gossips, Awashima is invited to tea, Anna makes an observation, and signs are made to be disobeyed.
The Verge of Tomorrow - Chapter 10 - Past ) (AO3)