Happy Fourth of July, Americans! :D
Hancock was fucking awesome.
Oh, Will Smith. Why must you be so hot. But aside from Will Smith, it's a superhero movie that manages to poke fun at pretty much every superhero movie cliche on the planet without beating you over the head with it; I was seriously grinning from ear to ear by the end just because it was so goddamn clever. It is not a srs bsns thinker's film; this is an action flick with a lot of tongue-in-cheek. Some turns are downright nonsensical -- IDK if they ran out of time for these or if there's humour I didn't get because of the gaping holes in my pop culture knowledge. I think a lot of people won't get it because it's not really being marketed as a comedy, and it's not, strictly speaking, a comedy (according to the definitions of the genre). But it's well worth seeing.
...If only for Will's charred buttocks.
I also ate way too much junk food at the theatre. Bleargh. But anyway, yeah, this is turning out an AWESOME summer for movies. :D LOVE.