870 ml Asvel 2 Tier box
Top Tier: Torikatsu (chicken) on lettuce, bottle of soy sauce, bottle of tonkatsu sauce
Bottom Tier: Rice with 16 grain mix, boiled broccoli and carrots, strawberry puccho
Admittedly, its not as aesthetically pleasing as I had envisioned (nor does it have as many veggies as I planned) but I was being rushed out of the door and the recipient was excited about that katsu - leaving a few pieces out in lieu of more veggies was apparently out of the question. When I tried to stop packing the katsu to make more room for veggies he promptly started stuffing more pieces of katsu in the top!
D: So, this katsu... I normally make my katsu in some sort of vegetable oil (not optimal, I know). I decided it was time to upgrade to peanut oil, which is better suited to deep frying and is lighter. I put as much oil in the pan as I normally use and heat it up. I put the katsu in and FOOOOOF!!! The oil bubbles up HUGE and all over the place... it totally boils over the sides of the pan and gets all over the stove and some gets on the burner and catches on fire! Not a huge fire, but enough to make me kinda loose my cool over it. I say "OMG FIRE! The stove is on fire!!" The boyfriend is going "Oh god water!" I'm all "No, no no!! Oil fire! Water is bad!" So we both start blowing on it and stuff. Eventually the oil burns away and we get it all out. No damage at all (surprise), but by far it was the most adventure I've had cooking in the last 16 months (last time it was my car that caught on fire lol). D: All in all, it was arguably the tastiest katsu I've made too.
reposted from
my blog.