The first day of NORDIC GAME
The conference venue (seems like a gymnastic place)
TEI family (Shotaro was the younges visitor of the show!! lol)
The first interviewer: swedish game site
Everyone in Sweden are pretty tall!
Second was the TV shooting for danish tv called
GZTV TEI talked about character design and I did the translation (which will be used for the caption)
I wonder when it will be broadcasted and where??
As you would see, we send LOVECALL to the Game Developers in Europe that we really would like to work with them!
If anyone interested, please call for AIKO / FURI FURI
The third interviewer was also for a swedish
game website:
He has his website about GAME
His question standed out in my memory is
"Do you consider [Wonder to Kyozo] as an ART or just a GAME"
TEI's answer was "It is a game, because it has the system of GAME"
The forth interviewer
He is a freelance journalist
After 2 hours - stratight intervews, we finally got out :P
Nobu and Shotaro in the lift at the venue
No ceiling, and you have to keep pressing the botton to make it move
When 4 of us got in that lift, we were stuck in there for a while
and kind persone got us out ..... it was embarassing.
The dinner party was held from 18:00
About 200 people were there
Most of them were perticipants, and there were some public attendees who paid about 45000Yen
for this 2days conference (It really iwas expensive!!!)
There also was contest for games
The winner won the GOLDEN JOYSTIC!!! LOL
And here's some pictures from party held at the downtown