i kind of tried to transcribe the ayatollah's speech, as i listened. it was long, and i'm going to paste what i have here, in case you don't see it or what to see it quickly - no commentary from me, things in parentheses are what people were chanting.
we should not have anxiety to the people of islam, should wait for tranquility from god. "god backs those who tread the divine path of god, god's path is tranquil . ." enemies of islam have always wanted to agitate and cause anxiety keep their belief firm helped them keep peace and tranquility in their minds, and that kept them on the calm path of god. hen you have peace of mind and soul, you can decide wisely, you can make the right move, these are the signs of divine blessing. today, we are in need of this tranquility and calm, this dignity, they need to create these qualities within them . . . prayers are not meant only to take your hearts closer to god, but also its learning that matters. in prayers there is both cleansing the soul and lessons. what is in your heart, what flows on your tongue, and what should be in your heart and flow on your tongue should be remembrence of god. 30 years of islamic revolution the course of which some events have happened which could have toppled, could have brought turmoil for the nation as you can see in neighboring nations. such incidents did happen in this nation, but in this country, let's call it a ship, which is in your hearts, which is about god, which did not find any agitation in the stormy seas. (people chant in affirmation here.) being bestowed by heavenly blessing is one thing, and preserving these blessings is another thing. we should never feel proud of ourselves . . . as far as i'm informed about our ancestors in this country and elsewhere in the world, i am confident that this nation will reach all its high aspirations and objectives. this spiritual atmosphere in society should be appreciated, political agitations should not take us away from god. they should never make us negligent. we should not forget where we are going, where we are headed. this revolution has been based on pure and honest beliefs. with all distractions and elements which take us away from the right path people are still recognizing the right path. in the world you can see agitation, they don't know what to do, their thinkers cannot do anything either, some of them have realized that the way to do anything is spirituality but how they can they restore the spirituality they have lost? . . . it's not an easy task (in the western world) but that is not true in our nation. and today our youth is mostly spiritual and believers and those that may not look religious they have their hopes and their beliefs. so we ask god almighty, we beseech him and his holy household to fill our hearts with spirituality more than ever ask god almighty to keep us in adherence to the holy prophet. we ask god to bestow divine tranquility on this nation. we ask god to take this oppressed nation, this powerful nation, we ask him to give us victory against our enemies, and we ask him to change our hearts to him, and to help us do what he wants us to do, and we also ask god almighty to convey our greetings and have the prayers above us received.
5 prayers here, i recommend them all to piety and to refrain from evil. what i'm going to raise in this sermon is the issue of the election, which is the topic of the day in our country for the time being. there are three issues for the time being, i want to address three different groups. the first is the egneral public, wherever they are in the country: there is one thing i want to address the political candidates, the political activists, and something to tell the world leaders of arrogance, the western countries, some of the western countries of course, some of the leaders of the media they are running.
i want to thank you, i don't want to exaggerate, no matter how much i exaggerate it's still nothing, it doesn't matter to exaggerate, you really have a made a great accomplishment. the tenth presidental election was a great show in which people indicated their feeeling of respibsibility toward our country, it was a great manifestoation of the people's involvement with their country, it depicted every well their solidatary with the established country . . . i have not seen this in other countries, in the democracies or so-called democracies where they county people's votes (chanting) in the islamic rule, also, apart for one referedum after the rev in 79 there is no precedent like any election like the one that happened last friday, turnout of almost 85% that means almost 40 million voters, you can see the role of the 12 imman behind this, this is the dign of gods blessing toward us. bottom of my heart to address all you people of the nation, i feel humbled in your precense, our young generation showed and proved they had the political understanding and insight, they are committed like the first generation of the revolution, the difference is that in the first revolution all hearts were excited, and in war they acted in different ways these days you can see the same feeling and fever in our young people this cannot be repudiated or ignored, some people support one person and his ideas and another backs another, and this is natural . . . but you can see a collective committment to restore their country . . . man, woman, everyone participated in this great move. this election was a political earthquake for your enemies, it might be said. for your friends across the world, it was a historic . . . a popular movement for renewing allegince to imman and the martyrs, it was a new move, it was a great opportunity. this election showed off religious democracy for the whole world to see. all those ill-wishers of islam saw for themselves what religious democracy means. this is the third path . . . this is what brings the hearts of people closer together.
second point regarding the election is that last friday's election showed that the people have their confidence, they have their hope, they have their fervor and they live in this country with all the enthusiasm and feelings that they have. if people are not hopeful they will never take part in election. if people did not confide in the islamic establishment they will never vote. if people do not feel free they will never go to polling place. trust in the islamic establishment was evident here. the enemies cannot deny this. the enemies want to create doubt, to create panic among the people, the enemies of the islamic people know that without there would be low turnout. when there is low turnout, the legitimacy would be questioned. they want to take away your confidence so that your turnout is low. this harms more than setting fires to banks . . . this is what cannot be compared to any other laws . . . in such a great move, the people actively turn out and then the people are told you are make a mistake you are not to trust in the islamic establishment that is what the enemies want. this is what they wanted before the elections . . . in march i was saying the enemies are looking for voter fraud . . . islamic establishment is trusted by the people this is not gained easily . . . for 30 years it has managed to keep this confidence.
the third point is the issue of rivalry. well competution of the rivalary was completely free and transparent of the candidates, everyone was witness to that. the campoagns and the debates were straight to the point that some people opposed them. they were somehow right at some times - some problems were created, youc an see it here. we still assume the comp between the four candidates was comp between between people and between various groups in the islamic establishments . . . the enemies (and the zionists) want to say there is opposition to the islamic establishment but that is not right, that is not true, they have not and to say is wrong. one of them is the president . . . one of the candidates used to be prime minister for 8 years when i was president, one was a major commader for years, during iran-iraq war, one of these was the head of the parliment. of course they have differences of opinions, they have different plans and ideas that differ from one another but they all belong to the islamic establishment. not outside the establishment. some of the media, the xionist media and some in UK and the US have been trying to say it is outside/inside and that's not true. . . . he says he knows them all, knows them well . . . of course i do not approve of all their viewpoints, some of their actions and ideas could be criticized, but it has been up to the people to decide. my will was not told to the people, never, people acted on by their own yardstick. . . . changing the reality is purely treasonist, it's not revolutionary vs. anti-revolutionary, it's purely within the islamic establishment . . . they tried to find the one that they thought would act best in the establishment. campaign - to the point, serious, transparent, telivised debates nullifed the outside that this was not serious, therefore these debates have been positive, there have been negative also that i will mention later. the postitive: everyone talked what they wanted, they uttered what was in their hearts, what they wanted to say, a wave of ciriticism came their way, they were criticized and they had to make their response and defnend themselves. the stances of ind and groups were put forth in thepublic eye nakedly . .. people could judge for themselves this way. people felt that in the islamic establishment they are not looked upon as strangers, no inside and outside in the islamic establishement that means everything was expressed clearly to the people. people's vote is not ceremonial in nature, the right of vote does belong to the people, this is what the televised debates showed. 10 million more votes. people's thoughts and mentalities, all this was involved, they came to the scene and they identified with the candidate they thought best. it went in the home, in the work . .. helps them decide in their hearts and their minds, betters their ideas and the islamic establishment believe in - i should add that it should not carry to the point of having carrying grudge with it. they should continue, officials and individuals should know they are being criticized and be responsible to come up with their own answers - this is quite positive. if such debates continue in 4 years, you own't see such an explosive commotion, all the arguments will be made, you will have seen them. deficiencies - in some cases you could see that the logical points of these debates were underminded and the emotional and destructive aspect prevailed at time. depicting the status quo, looking at the dark side of things, also casting doubt on the previous governments coudl also be seen. they allegations were raised, they were never proven, sometimes based on rumors . . . the candidates kind of lost their temper during the conversations, they also raised some unpleasant points. i enjoyed the freedom of expression in those debates and the fac tthat the islamic establishemnt came to the help of the people and help them decide but the deficiences made me sad.
for supporters of the candidates, those parts with the negative aspects, supporters didn't like them either and it was done on both sides - here at this platform in this sermon i should reveal the facts. both candidates had their own deficiences in their selves, it should be said. speeches given to him way in advance, insults given to the president whose votes came from the people, they accused him of lying - this is no good. they fabricated some documents of the government performance and haded them out here and there and we can see and we know what is happening in this country and we know they are not true. they called the president superstitious and they called him names which is embarrassing and they were not moral at the same time the same thing happened with the other candidate. past 30 years some people's names were mentioned, same people who spent most of their life for the cause of the revolution . . . tells them to go to the courts/judicial issues - you cannot raise such claims when there is no proof, then the youth thoughts they are raised the wrong way.
the president's ideas on these things is closer to mine (chanting)
in issues relating to social justice we have a clear stance - corruption should be fought wherever it is (major chanting) i want to mention the point here, we do not claim here that in our establishment there is no corruption, no financial corruption, yes we have that kind of corruption, but the islamic establishment is one of the safest and healthiest establishments today, some zionists accuse the establishment of corruption is not the right thing to do, corruption of the leaders is not right to d either. everyone is obliged to fight corruption, if it is not brought to control it will spread to other countries as you can see in western countries up to their ears in such corruptions, you heard the UK officials speak in this . . .
let me sumarize, the friday election was epic, historical, it affected the world. some of our enemies attempted to indicate this absolute definitive victory as doubtful, some even wanted to show this as national defeat, they wanted to give you a bad taste in your mouth, they could not see that the nighest turnout in the world that goes in your name - they cannot manipulate it anymore.
the time for competition is over. all the people that has voted for these four candidates they will have their rewards form god almighty they belong to this establishment, this might also be considered to be worship in a way . . . 40 million voted in support of the establishment, not just the 25 million for the president, but the supporters should know the establishment will never maniupulate the people's votes or commit treason. the legal structures of this country does not allow any vote rigging. everyone in charge of election agree with this. 11 million vote difference, sometimes if it is 1 million, there can be irregularities, doubt, but with 100 million how can their be doubt, how can vote rigging happen?
at the same time the guardian council accepts this fact and if some people have their doubts and evidence, it should be dealt with legal actions. i will never accept illegal innovations.
there will be winners and losers, no election will be trusted. . . if there is any doubt, we have a comprehensive law. as the candidates have the right to their minders, they have the right to file complaints. i ask the respective guardian council if they want to have a recount they can do it the presence of the candidates themselves, we have no problem with that.
ask the politicians, we are at a critical moment in this country, this is a critical point, a ciritical junction of history all of us are duty bound at this point to remain vigiliant, to be cautious, not to make mistakes. in the election people did what they were responsible to do, and they did it in the right way but we have heavier responsibilities on our shoulders.
if they want to keep going (basically) they will be held accountable for all the blood and the rioting. i recommend allthese old friends of mine to be patient, to see the enemies hands working, to see the hungry wolves in waiting, they are removing the mask from their faces these days, i invite them to open their eyes and see the enemy.
prominent leaders of diplomatic countries who have been dealing with us through diplomatic ways, they have removed their masks, they have shown their faces, the most treacherous is the UK. (people chanting down with with UK, death to the UK) i tell these brothers of ours to ask about their responsibilities, i ask them to remember what imman recommended in his will, the law is the . . . what's the reason for holding an election? all the reasons should be had at the ballot box, all the differences should be there and not on streets. if after every election those that lost elections take their people to the streets and those that won also take their supporters to the streets, then why on earth hold elections then? people are having their business, their frequency in the streets, they live there, we should not go to streets to show off our supporters to people.
for a terrorist agent, an insider was going to deal a blow, for them to hide among the masses is the best thing to do. for those people who are taking part in rallies, it is very good cover-up. who will be held accountable? it is the people who are killed, who is to be held accountable? there will be an emotional reaction, naturally. who is going to be responsible for these. you feel so bad hearing such mishaps. they go to tehran university, they go to the dormitories, they attack these students, they attack the students that are revolutionaries and (down to those that oppose jurisprudence) arms wrestling in streets is not something to do after the election. i want everyone to put and end to this. i want all this to stop. if they do not stop, they will be held accountable for all this.
it's also wrong to assume that through the street riots they can have a pressure lever on the establishment and they can force the government to listen to them, this is also wrong to think that way. giving up to the legal demands under pressure, this is itself the beginning of dictatorship. (we will never accept humility) this is a miscalculation, the consequences will direct those commanders behind the scenes. if necessary people will get to know them, in due time. (chanting) i ask all these brothers of mine, all these friends, to act based on fraternity, friendship, abide by the law, legal means are in front of you, peaceful means are there. the 40 million voter celebration should be appreciated. of course if some people want to take another way, then i will have to speak to them, but i will have to speak to them more frankly. (chanting - people annoucing their readiness to take the leader's orders) well the third group, i want to address the leaders of media, western media, and arrogant powers. in the past weeks i have witnessed the leaders of US and certain western countries and on the election day and on the night and the past couple of days after the election, there was a changing process. before the election you could see the bias and their words was that they wanted to cast doubt about the election itself, so they would see fewer people go to the polls. they had their own estimations and guesses and they predicted the same results but they did not expect the turnout this 40 million voters they never imagined. they were shocked. they realized what this meant to iran. they realized they had to adapt themselves to a new situation, world issues, nuclear issues, both issues inside iran, they were shocked, they realized there was a new chapter inside the islamic revolution and they have to come to terms with it. their own reporters covered it, on friday morning they started it and their feedback . . . when some started to protest they jumped at the chanced they started to "surfboard" and they little by little started to cast their eyes on the street rallies invited by some candidates, and they gradually removed their masks and showed their true colors, european countries and also america, they made some comments that
the president of america said "waiting a day like this to see people on the street," some people attributed these remarks to obama and then on the other hand they say they have ties and they respect the islamic establishment. inside this country they were looting, trying to deprive people of certainty, this comes from the espionage elements working for the west and zionism (death to america). so what happened inside the country went the wrong, so this mislead some of the people outside, thought this was like jordan, a zionist america capital a few years before . . . these fools thought that the people of this nation, this great nation, this nation cannot be compared, their problem is this country/revolution cannot be comapared, they do not understand. what matters, what is the worst thing to me, is the comments that were made in the name of sympathazing with human rights and taking it hard that the american officials said. they said, "we are worried about the iranian nation". you are worried about the iranian nation? who did that, who is bringing fighting and bloodshed to afpghanistan, who is crushing iraq under its boots, humiliating that country, in palestine, who supported that zionist tyrannical regime, and offered political support. and inside america, you get surprised, in the time of democrats when they were in power of the us, when the husband of this lady (he is referring to hillary), plus people related to some davidian group were burnt alive at this time - they were burnt alive at this time! and they called this religious group and they staged a sit=in, and they burned them alive, women and children, and they did not like them - and you know what human rights is? i believe the americans and some western countries should be embarrassed.
the iranian nation is the flag-bearer of humanity, it supports the oppressed in palestine, and anywhere where people are being oppressed, and this is the sign that we are raising the flag of human rights, that believing in islam this flag is raised, we do not need any advice on human rights.
i offer everything i have to this nation. we ask you, we beseech you, to pray for us. this revolution is yours, this establishment is for you, we will continue this path with full force, we ask you to support us with your prayers along the way. (chanting ready to give their life in the cause of their leader)