Oct 08, 2007 23:15
note to world: yesterday began national mental illness awareness week.
spread the word. start talking. educate yourselves. discover what bi-polar actually means. learn where twin studies started, and why. question the kennedys and their lobotomies and yet their push to talk about mental illness in a time when you didn't. think about the fact that roughly 30% of america is on some type of psychiatric med. read how much money is lost to depression every year. remember that suicide is the number 2 killer among all teens after car accidents. ask yourself how you are today, and if there's anything you can do to make yourself better. consider creating a self-soothing kit. if you have something hard to do, make sure you reward yourself after. watch your favorite movie starring a "crazy" person. think about writing the white house regarding mental health parity. start talking about how forced sterilization for the mentally ill is still constitutionally upheld by a supreme court opinion written by oliver wendell holmes, jr.
if i wasn't so damn tired, this post would contain links. i promise to do my best to post every day this week on the topic, especially since today in my session i was soooo damn animated and passionate and christine said, "i don't think i've ever been this quiet in a session with you before." hahahah.
i plan on suing the state. no, seriously. i honest-to-god want to sue eliot spitzer and andrew cuomo's collective asses for allowing discriminatory health care. i mean, really, if we are going to make this an economic argument (which you know it is), you actually LOSE money not giving people their psychiatric meds. i mean, i know i probably couldn't be a tax-paying-contributing member of society without the meds i'm on, at least right at the moment. everyone remembers me, hell, this time last year, right? or a few months ago, when i had to drop out of school? yeah. thought so.
so you know, you'll actually ALLOW people to be physically able to work. get the damn schizophrenics off the street and give them the ability to work. clothes are nice, but if your brain is telling you the man in the corner is going to kill you, you ain't lasting long no matter what you're wearing. i'm not saying "free meds! free meds!" though that would be nice. i'm just saying, treat me the same as the person with diabetes. as the person with cancer.
i mean, it's a scientific fact that some people's brains change after trauma. and the definition of trauma varies for every person. does that make it impossible to make a law? i should hope not, in a country that claims to value individualism.
so anyway, i am planning on suing the state of new york for discrimination in their healthy ny plan (even dependents aren't covered. if my kid has ADHD, and i'm so damn poor i qualify for this program, i can't buy my KID the meds it needs because remember? I'M POOR.) and i feel remarkably good about that. just awful fucking tired.
national mental illness week,
mental health,