Polyphylla decemlineata, to be exact. Two of these beauties just careened into my kitchen, and were thwacking around on the cabinets. I managed to catch them both, and thanks to the internets I could look them up. I was able to ascertain that:
1. They are not endangered (i.e. the Mt. Hermon June Beetle is rare and protected)
2. They are actually considered a dangerous pest that destroys conifers.
3. They have no mouth parts and only live as adults for a few hours.
4. They're gonna die soon anyway.
So I get to keep them without guilt! :-D
My daughter and I are working on a mini Wonder Cabinet for our summer project, and they will make a splendid addition. I just wish I could find a female to go with the display. The females are flightless and live in shallow burrows, and are slightly larger than the males. Much trickier to get. If anyone can find one to sell or trade, could you let me know?
PS: I would like to display one with wings open, and one with wings closed. Anyone know how to do an insect display with open wings? Thanks!