Feb 10, 2005 18:58
Valentines day is just around the corner. So that leaves most Americans roaming the isles of hallmark looking for the card to sum up all of their emotion that they don't or can't say themselves on a normal basis. However we can't forget about the chocolate, roses, or random stuffed animal. This Hallmark holiday has been louring in consumers both sappy and fool-hearted for centuries. But it seems that we don't need a Holiday for love but instead we use it multiple times a day but often not for our loved ones but for cars, actors, television shows, food and so many inadiment objects that are incappable of returning that same love and affection. My boyfriend has recently gotten a hold of this craze... plotting and scheming a Vallentines day surprise that I have absolutely no input into or idea about. I can't wait any longer either seeing as how I hate surprises.
But we all just need to realize that we don't need a day to tell us to feel love, or sadness, or anger, or any other emotion. We simply need to embrace our thoughts and feelings and go with them. Express them with care but most importantly don't want to let them be heard... especially if it is someone who is truly important to you.