28 Days until FurFright! Start screaming. God knows we are…
In This Issue:
1) Registration Ends Tomorrow (September 19th)!
2) War Dogs Charity Needs Your Help!
3) Schedule Posted!
4) 2008 Scrapbook Is Up!
5) Masquerade Acts Wanted!
1) Registration Deadline Tomorrow (September 19th)!
Pre-registration for FurFright 2009 ends TOMORROW (Saturday) at 11:59pm EST! If you don’t register now you’ll have to pay more at the door and stand in the “loser” line! All payments must be received by Saturday, September 26, 2009 or your information will be deleted from the database. You don't have to have a Paypal account to pay online, there is an option on the Paypal website where you can pay without signing up for an account. It is in the text to the left of the Paypal sign-in box.
To get into FurFright, you need to have one of the following:
-- driver's license
-- state-issued photo ID
-- government-/military-issued photo ID
-- passport
The form of ID you bring cannot be expired. NO EXCEPTIONS.
-- Thursday TBD (for pre-reg ONLY)
-- Friday: 9am - 7pm
-- Saturday: 10am - 5pm
-- Sunday: 10am - 2pm (pre-reg for 2010 as well!)
Late Arrivals:
If you'll be arriving late (after Registration closes) and still want to attend the evening's events, you MUST Pre-Register and contact the Registration Director (reg2009 HAT furfright DHOT org)!
2) War Dogs Charity Needs Your Help!
This year FurFright will be working to raise money for The United States War Dog Association. Their organization is ‘Dedicated to all War Dogs and their Handlers--past, present, and future’.
These soldiers are heroes, and they’ve never been properly honored or remembered. They fought, sacrificed, and died for us, and they deserve our help!
Please help our Charity Auction/Raffle by donating and purchasing merchandise, and donating whatever money you can during the convention to support this very worthwhile cause.
If you’d like to donate merchandise or services, contact our Charity Auction/Raffle Director at: auction2009 HAT furfright DHOT org
***If you can't make it to the convention, merchandise and cash donations can still be made through mail and PayPal (furfright2009 HAT furfright DHOT org Be sure to put "War Dogs Donation" in the comments)***
**Full War Dogs Article With Photos Found Here**
3) Schedule Posted!
This year’s schedule has been posted at:
http://www.furfright.org/schedule.htm We’ve got more programming this year than ever before so go look, damn you! ;o)
4) 2008 Scrapbook Is Up!
http://www.furfright.org/scrapbooks/2008/ff2008.htm A goofy look at the sights and unsettling sounds of FurFright 2008! All humor is done in goodhearted fun. ;o)
5) Masquerade Acts Wanted!
Put an act together and be part of the show! No experience, fursuit, or talent needed!
FurFright has one of the most entertaining Masquerades in the fandom (or at least one that doesn't make the audience nauseous), and we want YOU to be a part of it! So put together an act and hit the stage with us! It doesn't matter what your experience level is, or if you have a fursuit or not, the whole point of our Masquerade is to have fun!
Acts will be judged by our esteemed panel of honorable judges (or hobos) and prizes will be awarded!
For complete Masquerade information and guidelines, visit:
October 16-18, 2009
Waterbury, CT USA
www.furfright.org Guests Of Honor: Tod Wills & Tilt Longtail!