Mar 20, 2008 19:19
Dealer registration for FurFright 2008 will be opening on Tuesday, April 1st at midnight EST (the midnight occurring between March 31st and April 1st).
Tablespace is VERY limited and most likely won't last that long.
I will be closing dealer registration down as soon as I'm within a couple tables of being full to avoid having to refund a prospective dealer's fees and crush all their hopes and dreams. *grins*
Once the registration is closed, we will be opening our Waiting List. If the Waiting List is posted, do not despair. Due to Life conflicts, we have always had a few pre-registered dealers have to give up their tablespace, and in general we have been able to offer tablespace to most everyone on our Waiting List. The best odds of getting tablespace if you are on the Waiting List is if you request a half-table. However, whole tables are not impossible.
If you have any questions, please contact me!