Apr 30, 2005 14:32
[23:17] Term: evenin.. how's it going in trendieville UK?
[23:17] No Use For A Name: whos this?
[23:18] Term: maybe it's another one of your many online identities..
[23:18] Term: if you don't mind me asking - why do you have so many?
[23:21] Term: oh sorry... are you using another at the moment? is it a condition you have.. you know, like multiple online personality disorder?
[23:21] No Use For A Name: is this any of psyche out?
[23:21] Term: no it's not actually
[23:22] No Use For A Name: who then?
[23:23] Term: you really don't have a clue, do you? you've pissed off enough folk already, it could be someone from bullet time.. after all, they all appreciated getting threatening text messages from your friend jamie - he is your friend in the personality you're using just now, yeah?
[23:23] No Use For A Name: say what
[23:24] Term: what
[23:24] Term: or I suppose it could be someone they know as well.. after all, their friends may not be too happy for their friends to get some texts like that, and the personal insults you've dished out might not be to their liking..
[23:24] No Use For A Name: is this Brian?
[23:24] Term: no it's not.. but if it was, what would you have to say?
[23:25] No Use For A Name: nothin, i aint got nothin against no1
[23:25] Term: outright lie #1 of the conversation.. thanks
[23:25] No Use For A Name: how is it?
[23:26] Term: it's just the thing is benji, it's a well known fact that you were posting as the_ripper, because one of your friends grassed you in
[23:26] Term: that says a lot about how people like you, doesn't it?
[23:26] No Use For A Name: bullshit but who???????????
[23:27] Term: see - it's not nice to hide behind the internet, is it?
[23:27] No Use For A Name: what the hell u talkin bout?
[23:27] Term: well, you... you've been doing a lot of hiding behind the internet recently.. what with all your alter-egos
[23:28] No Use For A Name: wat the hell u talkin bout? Expalian
[23:28] Term: seriously.. are you that retarded that you can't spell explain?
[23:28] No Use For A Name: must be
[23:29] Term: well, firstly, there's the obvious benjistone.. really, what's the deal with that? then there's your media team, then there's ryu kushin, then the_ripper
[23:31] Term: it's a bit strange, don't you think?
[23:31] No Use For A Name: Whi?
[23:31] Term: having all those other identities, isn't it?
[23:32] No Use For A Name: wtf?
if u cant say who u are just fuck off
[23:32] Term: why.. are you going to threaten me using some other sockpuppet account?
[23:33] No Use For A Name: no, i wldnt waste my time
[23:33] Term: well you've done it often enough
[23:33] Term: why not this time?
[23:33] No Use For A Name: is this Boyce?
[23:34] Term: no.. if it was, he wouldn't even bother with this and would just go for you straight off.. funny how jamie was apologising to him from 20m away the other day though
[23:34] Term: would you do the same thing?
[23:34] No Use For A Name: rite fuck up ian
[23:35] No Use For A Name: iain*
[23:35] Term: see.. this is funny.. you're running through a list of people you think it is.. but if I was any of them, do you seriously think I would tell you?
[23:35] No Use For A Name: naw cos yer bein a wee fanny
[23:35] Term: yes then, i am iain... of course i am... i'm boyce as well
[23:36] No Use For A Name: shut up wankface
[23:36] Term: see.. your patter's like aids - you've got it and nobody wants it
[23:36] No Use For A Name: haa and your just gay
[23:36] Term: come on.. who else is on your hit list?
[23:37] No Use For A Name: your dog and yer goldfishh
[23:37] Term: seriously? so it was you that gave my dog cancer.. i hope you get superaids
[23:38] No Use For A Name: na, i wouldnt go near u 2 give u a chance to give them 2 me
[23:39] Term: you don't need to go near me to get superaids.. one of those young children you hang around with probably has them.. if I were you, i'd stay away from playing with them for a while
[23:40] No Use For A Name: fuck up wankface
[23:40] Term: you've used that one already
[23:40] No Use For A Name: wits your point genius
[23:41] Term: well you can't reuse an insult within 10mins really.. thats just disappointing
[23:41] No Use For A Name: wat yer sayin is just gay
[23:42] Term: i'd rather have my speech to be gay than my arse for rent, which is ubergay... unlike some other people in this conversation..
[23:43] No Use For A Name: shut the fuck up denningberg
[23:43] Term: i'm not iain.. dont call me a jew
[23:43] No Use For A Name: must be grum then
[23:45] No Use For A Name: cock suckin mother fuckin donkey raping ass munching fuckin whore
[23:45] Term: i'd have expected a smart boy like you to have figured that out then! sadly, i'm not mr shinyhead today either
[23:45] Term: hehe.. you called me a whore... thx hunni ;)
[23:46] No Use For A Name: no probs sweetie
[23:46] Term: tonight anthony, i'm going to dave mabawsarichi!
[23:47] No Use For A Name: tnite ure gonna be a sheep shaggin bastard from aberdeen
[23:48] Term: and causin pain is my game!
[23:48] Term: aah.. connolly.. great guy
[23:48] Term: excellent song
[23:48] No Use For A Name: wankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankfacewankface
[23:49] No Use For A Name: buttsniffing fartbubble
[23:50] Term: you want me to? next time you're at the skate park, i'll get someone to call me and I can come down and wank over your face.. or I could even come up to foundry wynd and do it there.. why is it that you like men masturbating over your face?
[23:51] No Use For A Name: why would u wanna wank over my face, u cant even get it up
[23:52] Term: I can get up perfectly fine.. 7.30 every morning on the dot.. I'm a very punctual person in the mornings I'll have you know! but if you mean I can't gain an erection, why don't you find out? we could meet up some time.. when suits?
[23:53] No Use For A Name: wat a poof
[23:54] Term: what an insult! you were the one who started coming onto me.. with you wanting me to wank over your face and all.. you can't deny that's gay on your part!
[23:54] No Use For A Name: hurry uop bitch
[23:54] No Use For A Name: yes u can
[23:54] No Use For A Name: i**
[23:55] Term: you're not one for a good conversation, are you? do they indoctrinate you to lose the ability to have an intelligent conversation in fienian school?
[23:55] No Use For A Name: do they teach u how to be more gay in a hun school?
[23:56] Term: [23:54] No Use For A Name: yes u can - you really want me to wank over your face? different strokes man.. different strokes
[23:56] Term: no.. i've learnt it on the job from dealing with trendie fags like you benji
[23:56] No Use For A Name: wat u learned how 2 be more gay?
[23:57] Term: well I do have to admit i've picked up.. it's just when I get the urge to get into some gothic punk, it really gets me in a homoerotic mood
[23:57] Term: you know what i mean! ;) you must be gagging for the cock a lot! what with you being down the gothic punk!
[23:58] No Use For A Name: we aint goth punk u fuckin mongo
[23:58] Term: well what would you define yourselves as?
[23:58] Term: do you not like nightwish?
[23:58] No Use For A Name: pop-punk
[23:58] Term: or are you more into evanescence?
[23:58] No Use For A Name: no, there shite
[23:59] Term: but they're gothic punk! like yourselves..
[23:59] Term: shame is that they're not emo
[23:59] No Use For A Name: pop-punk or cant u fuckin read?
[23:59] Term: but you'd said you were gothic punk a while ago
[23:59] No Use For A Name: no we never
[00:00] Term: you mean you change your band to suit whatever's trendiest at the time?
[00:00] Term: that's a bit sad, isn't it?
[00:00] No Use For A Name: cant u fuckin read?
[00:00] No Use For A Name: spaz
[00:00] Term: but I suppose it's really quite sad when you don't even have the band anymore.. well, no drummer, no guitars and no bass
[00:01] No Use For A Name: god sake, craig moffat has more brains than u
[00:01] Term: do you just sing over the track you're covering anyway? that'd be hardcore
[00:01] No Use For A Name: shut it bawface
[00:01] Term: why? are you saying you have a guitarist, drummer and bassist?
[00:01] No Use For A Name: d'uh
[00:02] No Use For A Name: we aint heat16 tho9
[00:02] Term: well who are they? it's just i know that kyle, scott and jamie now deny being in a band with you
[00:02] Term: oh is it team falcon?
[00:02] No Use For A Name: no mongo features
[00:02] Term: it's just I've been told they're close to kicking you out soon
[00:02] No Use For A Name: who said that?
the micheline man?
[00:03] Term: so what's this new band and who's in it?
[00:03] No Use For A Name: none o ur business
[00:03] Term: oh is it a private band?
[00:03] No Use For A Name: how gay can u get
[00:04] Term: is nobody else allowed to listen to your stuff... I personally think that's a great thing.. I heard one of the heat16 recordings!
[00:04] No Use For A Name: at least wehave one fartface
[00:04] Term: yeah.. it's really well recorded and mixed..
[00:05] No Use For A Name: stick it up yer arse
[00:05] Term: but you're not the only person in this conversation with recordings though! let's not get into a penis envy contest here!
[00:06] No Use For A Name: ur jelous of my dick?
[00:06] No Use For A Name: jeez oh
[00:06] Term: whose idea was it to use the same phrase for the whole song though? you should have known your vocals weren't up to it.. could you not have put more instruments into the mix at that point? it really doesn't reflect well on you
[00:07] No Use For A Name: shut it hiomoboy
[00:07] Term: the sad thing is that you don't have protools anyway, so you couldn't even correct its pitch
[00:07] No Use For A Name: shut it or i'll correct ur pitch
[00:07] Term: how do you plan to do that?
[00:07] No Use For A Name: i dnt
[00:08] Term: well i'm not shutting up, and you said if I didn't, that you'd correct my pitch.. I'm interested in how you're going to go about that
[00:09] No Use For A Name: stay keen then
[00:09] Term: what's that supposed to mean? are you not going to go through with your threats? how unlike you!
[00:10] No Use For A Name: shut it ya jew
[00:10] Term: shut it ya fenian
[00:10] No Use For A Name: and?
[00:11] Term: well, that's the same reaction to your comment! surprise surprise...
[00:11] No Use For A Name: so it is iain?
[00:11] Term: so how are you liking the new version of the pope?
[00:11] Term: no.. if it was, i'd have made some better comment from the jew thing..
[00:11] No Use For A Name: dont really care
[00:12] Term: what's brown and half eaten?
[00:12] No Use For A Name: so ur too scared to say who it is then?
[00:12] No Use For A Name: PUSSY
[00:12] Term: the pope's easter egg!
[00:12] Term: what happened when the pope died?
[00:12] Term: another one poped up!
[00:12] No Use For A Name: pussy, cant even say who u r
[00:13] No Use For A Name: night night hunibun
[00:13] No Use For A Name: love you
[00:13] Term: sweet.. are you getting into the good insults here? i'm listening!
[00:13] No Use For A Name: xxxxx
[00:13] Term: awww.. don't say you're going! (})
[00:13] Term: seeyaxxx
[00:13] No Use For A Name: love you loads hinu,
[00:13] Term: ps
[00:13] Term: you'll find out who I am soon enough ;) heh
[00:13] No Use For A Name: how?
[00:14] Term: well.. you know those banners at the bottom of the whitehirst road that are usually there for birthdays, etc?
[00:14] Term: you'll see there soon enough
[00:14] No Use For A Name: i?
[00:15] No Use For A Name: wat u gonna say?
We all love bum sex, bye psyche out, iain and grum?
[00:15] Term: well we know freddie and grum do take it up the shiter, so you're partially right
[00:16] Term: that's a bit vulgar for the banner though.. it'll be more subtle
[00:16] No Use For A Name: wats it gonna say, they raped me
[00:16] *** "No Use For A Name" signed off at Sat Apr 30 00:16:30 2005.