Statistics for March 01, 2009 through March 31, 2009
New Submissions: 95656
-General: 72863
-Mature: 11865
-Adult: 10928
New Journals: 33011
New Comments: 1054400
New Users: 9804
Active Users*: 69988
Data Transferred**: Not available.
Ad Impressions: 264,868,891
Ads Clicked: 126,811
Most Clicked Ad***: Cocktails
Total Donations: Pending...
Total Ad Revenue: Pending...
* Take this stat with a grain of salt. I waited too long...
** Yes, awstats still can't cope with our logs. It's on the "to do" list.
*** Damn it, furries. Stop proving me right.
Bah. I suck. That whole "exam" thing I was doing this last week kinda got in my way.
On another note:
Whenever someone makes a post to the community, I see in my inbox: "Moderated submission notification." And that is all I see before I click the check next to it and head up to the "Archive" button. Because 99.9% of them are "hello" "commissions 4 sale" and "check out my auction."
Now, I'm not opposed to posting other things here that fall within the
community rules. But please come talk to me about it, or I probably won't even notice.