Apr 24, 2004 01:18
ok, so here are two parts of the only interesting thing that happened to someone tonight. And it just so happened to happen to joe.
ok, there are 2 parts b/c these 3 lines are inappropraite for me to post. (the ones about me telling someone to lick pusssssy)
FuPaL06: puss cake. skip Gilberts?
S P U N derelict: no but i am not a puss this evening for i vandalized
FuPaL06: oooooo!
FuPaL06: i think i feel as story coming on...
S P U N derelict: yea-so
FuPaL06: make it better than shrek
S P U N derelict: haha we were driving along and we see this sign that says
S P U N derelict: "cheap foreign workers are stealing americans hard earned jobs"
S P U N derelict: so i was like "im tired of hearing that"
S P U N derelict: so we go get some red spray paint
S P U N derelict: and go back
S P U N derelict: i then spray paint "Bigot" on the sign and dot my I with a heart
S P U N derelict: its RIGHT near the cherrydale intersection
FuPaL06: how cute.
S P U N derelict: you cant miss it
S P U N derelict: yeah
S P U N derelict: it was nice
FuPaL06: haha. i'll be up early to catch it before someone removes it
S P U N derelict: it wont be removed haha get this
S P U N derelict: the owner
S P U N derelict: chained the fucking thing to a post
FuPaL06: haha!
FuPaL06: brilliant
S P U N derelict: yeah
S P U N derelict: itll take him a few hours to remove it
S P U N derelict: i hope it stays up all weekend
FuPaL06: thats the best thing i have heard allllllllllllllllllllllllll day
S P U N derelict: glad to supply it
S P U N derelict: though today has only been going on for 48 minutes
FuPaL06: see, breaking the law is great fun, nothing wrong with it
FuPaL06: my computer says 55 minutes
S P U N derelict: yeah my computer is wrongg
S P U N derelict: but i always forget it is
FuPaL06: and all samantha is trying to do is make me feel bad for not having friends
FuPaL06: as i cry.
S P U N derelict: you have friends at the GS and friends at TR, what shit is she saying
S P U N derelict: she is what people call an
S P U N derelict: "instigator"
FuPaL06: yes.
S P U N derelict: shes such a fucking conservative
FuPaL06: goddamn i hate them all
FuPaL06: there is this commercial playing on TV with Ben Stein and Harvey Firestein
FuPaL06: i think they should box, on HBO
S P U N derelict: are you sure its not al franken?
S P U N derelict: cause i saw one like that
S P U N derelict: with him and ben
FuPaL06: it sounded like harvey.
FuPaL06: i didn't look up
FuPaL06: it was the dude with the librel radio station
FuPaL06: (stephens hell on earth)
S P U N derelict: yeah
S P U N derelict: thats al
FuPaL06: speaking of hell on earth
S P U N derelict: i got his book
S P U N derelict: its lovely
FuPaL06: how about some of karen's prom pics
S P U N derelict: OH SHTI
S P U N derelict: she is so mangy and GAH put a bullet in it
FuPaL06: you should have spray painted her
S P U N derelict: ahh i saw a cat while i was doing the sign
S P U N derelict: it wisely ran away
FuPaL06: haha.
FuPaL06: who was w/ you?
S P U N derelict: zoe alex chad and rob
S P U N derelict: they didnt want to spray paint
S P U N derelict: the vagina
S P U N derelict: s
S P U N derelict: btw your ginny article is very funny
FuPaL06: i want to grow up and be a humor columnist, for the TR times
S P U N derelict: badmouthing bigots and imbreds alike
FuPaL06: Headline: The Vaginas, onlookers to a hideous spray painting crime. Is honesty Illegal?
S P U N derelict: hahaaha
S P U N derelict: this guy was right there in a car looking at me
FuPaL06: haha!!!
S P U N derelict: i was like "hey man"
S P U N derelict: its like just off the road infront of the new video store
FuPaL06: shit...being discrete
S P U N derelict: well last time i checked its illegal to chain shitty wooden signs to telephone poles
S P U N derelict: well not illegal
S P U N derelict: but covering them in paint
S P U N derelict: should be legal too
FuPaL06: i can't wait to see the masterpiece
S P U N derelict: there are 2 smaller signs that look WAY worse
S P U N derelict: on the way
S P U N derelict: ignore those
FuPaL06: haha!!
S P U N derelict: pretend someone else spray painted them
S P U N derelict: but youll know the good one when you see it
FuPaL06: i'll use my newfound imagination from watching shrek 456746 bizillion times
FuPaL06: bueno
FuPaL06: i'll have a camera
S P U N derelict: hahahah
S P U N derelict: awesome
S P U N derelict: god dammit
S P U N derelict: shrek better be over on monday
S P U N derelict: or there will be hell to pay (i will look vaguely dissintrested)
FuPaL06: or you could grow some balls this weekend, and skip
FuPaL06: after tonight, i'm sure they dropped
S P U N derelict: yeah i dont know if i will have any on monday, just depends on if im well rested and calm or skittish and irrational
S P U N derelict: only time will tell
S P U N derelict: im going to go watch TV or someshit
S P U N derelict: so ill TTYL
FuPaL06: skittish.
FuPaL06: latte
S P U N derelict: butte
S P U N derelict signed off at 1:17:08 AM.
Good night my faithfuls