Sophomore qualifying

May 01, 2005 23:44

Scales suck. Thats really all I wanted to say for this journal. Scales blow, I mean why do we need to know every damn minor scale in it's forms. So maybe if I do audition somewhere one day or when i'm teaching someone will ask me to play a scale for them. no, don't think so. Very pointless.OH well. Other than scales, it's been a pretty good day overall. Got ear training final tommorow, and sphomore qualifying at 9:30. I'll be done with scales. I'll play them to warm up occasionally. I'll also be thru with ear training tommorow. Woo hoo!!!! well i'm about to go and eat pizza shortly and play MORE SCALES!!!!!It'll be done with tommorow. Then i have to do my SPE 300 project. busy week. Thank god we get three months off. I'm taking a nice vacation after classes.
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