I'm now 22 which now that I have experienced it, think that age really doesn't matter that much. I now believe that their may be an element of truth when people that are older than you try and tell you that they aren't old. I have usually laughed and said 'yes you are, You're (insert age here)!' Hmmmm, enough about the process of aging and humans reactions to the process, because my mind is running with scissors at the moment, so I have to stay focused or I might lose myself.
Well I had a pretty good weekend anyway. I recieved the greatest gift of all and it was not that of a material kind. (Though those ones were much appreciated and humbly accepted). On a return trip to my small country town in rural Victoria, Australia from a night out partying from the closest night club (I don't love night clubs, The Yahoo Bar for me!)for my bday we had to stop the car. It was 5:30 am, and she hadn't seen something remarkable beyond description. I'll state now what it was though I think that some readers will need clarification on it's actual characteristics. I was witness, to something that is rarely seen. It was, what is called an aurora australis. Before me, spread out on the black canvas was luminous bands of a most perculiar type cloud. It looked like the glow that you see above a town some miles off but it was in cloud form about 30 degrees off the ground. And what's more, it was the most amazing red colour. And there were amazing cascading fans that fell to the ground. It was the most majestic shape. We all sat there with open mouths beholding such beauty. It was the definition of beauty. I was in awe. Such an amazing gift.
It was this colour:
http://www.hwy.com.au/~sjquirk/images/aurora.jpg but in this shape (sort of)
http://library.thinkquest.org/26442/html/terra/aurora.jpg Anyway it was amazing. I felt part of the ionosphere, which at the time looked like the most beautiful place on Earth. Our Earth.