Mar 03, 2005 01:16
(Put me on my swing - I can see the whole world from here and I feel so alive.)
Things have been going quite well. Too well, actually. So well that I'm expecting something catastrophic to happen. So I'm bracing myself. But also enjoying the lovliness of life. But still bracing myself. I hope I don't fall off of my 9 ft. loft tonight. That would be catastrophic.
But do you know what's NOT catastrophic? I'm coming home this weekend! For the first time this semester - I think that's a record time away from home or something. So I expect everyone to be at church. (no oversleeping allowed - that would be catastrophic!)
So I did my self portrait for photography last night. I'm trying to decide if that was in fact catastrophic. Sometimes I don't enjoy looking at pictures of myself. Some of them might have potential.
So back to how things have been quite lovely. Classes have been way too easy. (Maybe that's because I've made them easy and they really shouldn't be.) There's one class that I'm taking Pass/Fail. Somehow I've become best buddies w/ the teacher and she manages to give me 100's on things I deserve to fail. Ex: We had a notebook check (seems rather juvenile), and I have done absolutely nothing with my notebook since the last check when it wasn't even right. So I walk up and I say "Yeah, I failed. I haven't done anything" as she laughs and slaps a 100 on it. I blatently told her that I planned on slacking off, and I told her that I didn't study for the test (She was impressed with my 77). And the whole time she just laughs and asks me to sit next to her during class. It must be my dazzling charm. (haha, yeah right.) And I find photography fun so that's no problem. I'm hoping for an A in sociology b/c I let my teacher borrow CDs. And I totally just whipped out a 4 page outline entitled "Culture and Nonverbal Communication: A Study of Japanese Nonverbal Communication."
So Spring Break is the week after next and that means Florida with the ladies! Then I'm going to Ohio with my roomie for Easter. It'll be supa-fly. I can't believe this semester is over halfway over. I'm that much closer to the "real world."
And you know what else I think is great? I'm about to graduate and I'm still making these really great friends, like my new friend Steve. We're going to go on his boat.
And I get to enjoy phone calls from other lovely people that make me smile.
Oh, I do have one complaint. I'm POOR. Donations welcome.
So my suitemate had surgery on her shoulder and she now looks like she got her arm amputated. Don't worry, it's just an optical allusion. Her arm is still attached.
Ok, I'm done.
"The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17.