Jan 25, 2006 01:25
so im learning more and more and more about myself up here. im changing so much and i love it. things are so different and i dont miss the old...any of it....at all. i repeat any of it....at all. (with the exeption of a few close freinds) i would never ever go back to the way anything has been in the past few years. never ever go back. not if you paid me. i love it here so much. im learning so much about myself. and about other people. im learning what i love. and what i dont. im learning i have really stong feelings about things i never thought i did before. i really....really...really hate humans. i really hate america...and i really our social standards. im learning that i love....really love the idea of helping less fortunate, making a differance in the world. im learing i love music for completely different reasons. im around smart people all day. really intelligent people who are unique and dont try to fit in. its amazing how different it is. high school is so pathetic. people think they have it soooooo bad. and people dont. the people who do have it bad, dont even complain. they are thankful for everyblessing they get. i miss you more than anyone. you know who you are. yes you. life is full of lies and people who are self centered im learning to weed them out of my life one by one and im happy about it. i miss mr moody that man has a way with words. all of you who have him soak up everything you can because when its over you wish you had someone like him to go to. ive nvever been this much like the person i want to be. i love myself so much right now. i am exactly how ive always wanted to be. there is one thing ide like to work on. and i will. ive reached a level of personal nirvana so to speak and i plan to do everything i can to keep it that way.