
Jun 09, 2006 02:25

for once, i want to watch a teen movie that doesn't have a happy ending. every damn teen movie we see...someone gets revenge, someone gets laid, the guy always fucking gets the girl, but only after some huge speech telling her everything. then she proceeds to kiss him, sparks fly, the music reaches a crescendo...then roll credits. or, maybe, narrative telling what happened after the climax scene, then credits.

my friend made a point. sometimes, someone dies. you might be like, all downed, but you know what that is? in her words: catharsis through death". now, i listened to bellew a bit, so i get it. and she's right on! so don't go comment and say "a walk to remember", cuz your ass is shot.

damn and the fucking notebook dude. it's a good movie and all that, but that's never going to happen. all these stories of love and all this bullshit. everything does not get fixed in an hour and a half. i know "it's just a movie, don't take it seriously, " but please fucking please put some more intelligence into what you write. happy endings maybe only happen half the time.

oh and hitch dude, i hated that movie. no, wait. i enjoyed the movie. i hated the values and morals it presented...the whole "if you want something enough, you'll get it" bullshit? that's not true. i've wanted a lot of things, wanted them "enough", did i get them? nope. the last thing i really, REALLY wanted that i got was that sega genesis that santa got me. okay, hyperbole aside, but still. shit doesn't work out that way. sorry to be cynical, people, but it doesn't. i may be a little different tomorrow, think less like our valedictorian's speech and more like a carefuckingbear...but right now...this bullshit is on my nerves. okay, back to hitch... actually, i think that kevin james' character would be able to get that lady in real life. the movie was entertaining, it's just the message that pisses me off.

the only movie that really tells the truth is the hunchback of notre dame. no matter how fucking nice you might be on the inside, there's no fucking way a hot girl is going to go for you if you're that nasty, and if you've got the cartoon version of brad pitt vying for her as well (quasimodo is a way cooler name than phoebeus, though). and you may be thinking "oh, he's just saying that because of whatever trouble he might be having with a girl" but that's bullshit. i'm just making a damn observation, i'm relatively annoyed at something, and it's 2:30 am. i'm saying this because it's fucking true. that fucking movie is the only movie that will tell you how it really is. you're not going to get the amazingly hot girl if you're fugly, no matter how fucking hard you try.

and, fuck, don't even get me started on shallow hal.
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