5% OFF!!!
I will be taking in orders for: 2 x Super Personal Custom Kit (Full) as well as all/any other items
For the Super Personal Custom Kit, cost of item = USD 50 / 12 = USD 4.17 (before discount), cheap!!!
Terms & Conditions:
- Please count the amount of paid orders before posting. Do not transfer/place orders after the cap has reached!
- Refunds will be made 1 month later should you transfer after the cap has reached
- Please do not join if you are impatient/rude and require daily updates
- Updates will be done via mass email
- I reserve the right to cancel the spree if the response is poor or if my item is OOS
- I also reserve the right to reject any orders
- I am not responsible for wrong/defective items shipped (by merchant) or should items get damaged/lost during transition
- Registered mail is highly recommended as I am not liable for lost (normal) mails
- Lets be kind and make this a fun shopping experience! :)
Ordering from:
https://www.everydayminerals.com Accepting ALL items!
Capped at:
Once the 12 slots for the Super Personal Custom Kit has been filled
Exchange Rate:
1 USD = 1.51 SGD
*please note that shortage in exchange rate (if any) will be collected*
My Email:shmayonaise@gmail.com Shipping Details:
Everyday Minerals -> My place -> Yours
Shipping units may/will be revised upon arrival of items. Tentatively, take it as 1 unit/ item.
Number of Payments:
- 1st (Initial) payment = Price of item + $2/shipping unit
- 2nd payment = GST (if applicable) + Topups for shipping costs (if applicable) + Local Postage & Handling
How to Make Payments:
- ATM/IB Transfer to POSB SAVINGS ACCOUNT 122-85968-1
- ATM transfer please make within 3hrs after posting & reply to your orders with payment details
- Please provide the date, time and transaction reference
- Interbank transfer is NOT allowed (email me first!)
Mode of Distribution:
- Normal or Registered Mail ONLY
- Strictly No Meetups
- $1 for Handling Fee (may cost more if you request for special packaging)
Please post your order(s) with accordance to the following format:
Name/LJ nick:
Bank Account Type/Number:
Item name:
Price in USD:
Alt if OOS:
Item name:
Price in USD:
Alt if OOS:
Total number of items =
Total in USD =
Grand Total = (US$TOTAL x 1.51 x 0.95) + (No. of Shipping Units x $2)
Payment Details:
Date of Transfer:
Time of Transfer:
Transaction Ref. No.: