(no subject)

Sep 25, 2005 20:47

LJ Interests meme results

  1. beaches:
    Because they are the boundary that held man at bay. They are the launching point for fleets that would change history forever. They are the thumbnails of continents and the skirts of islands. That and it's so much fun to make sand castles.
  2. friends:
    Oh come on, that's a self-explanatory one.
  3. hiking:
    Because people need to get out more. They need to get away from their computers, their TV's, their radios, and their homes and just go explore. Try hiking through some random town someday and explore all the alley-ways and talk to as many people as will actually talk back. It's amazing how full a day like that can be.
  4. hope:
    Well, without it not many of us would still be here.
  5. knowledge:
    Because it is the basis upon which I have such favorites. It is because of the capacity of the human mind to take knowledge and make something of it that we have poetry and nuclear bombs. Without wisdom, though, knowledge is nothing but a torch in the wheat-field of mankind.
  6. music:
    Because everyone has their own wave-length, their own song, their own chorus they choose to wake to every morning. Some wake to the sounds of joy and of excitement. Others wake to the sound of funeral bells and oppression. Some choose their songs, others don't. But it is this expression that comes from within the depths of the human soul that can teach the masses and individuals so much more than words can hope.
  7. people:
    Because some are awesome despite the many dissappointments.
  8. poe:
    A good poet who died in a gutter from alcoholism, but most likely from depression. May all that is holy put his soul to rest.
  9. risk:
    Because without it life would be worthlessly boring. Without the ability to enjoy the trials of life, the comforts of life become drab and overly familiar. So go talk to someone you never met before. Take a walk down a path you never bothered with before. Get up a little earlier and climb a tree to watch the sunrise. Or write a treatise on the inherent corruption of governing individuals and then burn an effigee (sp?) of some beligerant ruler.
  10. stargazing:
    Because it gives a person perspective. Because it reminds us that we aren't tough shit and that, in fact, we are nothing less than an atom's atom's atom's sneeze in the interstellar breeze. We are not God's chosen, and, if we were, it still doesn't change the fact that there are much greater things happening in this world than our ability to complain about how crappy something is. It reminds us of how simple things and great things are all just as worthy of adoration, but most importantly, that there is a lot more out there for us to learn and to experience.

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