for the love of God, I explicity listed about half the bands in her musical taste as thigns I detested in my profile. Are these morons living, breathing people? Sometimes I think MySpace is just a huge collective of clit-charged pervs.
Ahem ^ ^
Tommorow I'm hanging with my homie Laura, my birthday was last week and I got some serious cash, but I have no idea what to spend it on now that I'm actually loaded for once. So we're gonna hit the big Inner London stores. I definately know I want a HDD, around the 200gb mark, which are actually pretty cheap these days (even in Britworld, hooray! :D). I really hope I don't just buy DVDs and CDs with any spare change, because that's so tempting, and although nothing's wrong with it, I hate paying for stuff I can get free (I'm like a Jew without the Jehova). If any of you guys have ideas for junk I can pick up, leave a comment (minus sex toys... the amount of people who are like OMG FLESIGHT START KITT?!4 is just silly [though they probably are awesome]).
I'm gonna sleep super early tonight because I didn't really sleep at all last night. Luckily chocolate saved the day and prevented me from falling asleep through the middle of the day, so my internal clock should be ok once I allow my self to be unconscious.
Jit finally nagged me into being unlazy enough to download all the Naruto scanlations from this big direct download fansite. I think what finally convinced me (even though I genuinely wanted to read Naruto for god knows how long) was that he told me at anyday and anytime they could dissapear, and even though that's pretty unlikely, as well as stating the obvious, it's true. I think that comment of his brought out the jew in me :P.
The last thing on my mind was that Drevay was a dick over at Fufu. I'm not even going to go into it, but basically he's banned now and there's no way I'm open to working out differences at this point. One thing in particular that bothered me was that he made up a chat log between him and Jit, and even though it's believable I can recall stuff Jit has said in the past that contradicts it. So along with Jits word it seems like I can safely say Drevay was just being a fucker.